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When Eren's body went slack, Levi sighed and bent down, taking the injured wrist in his hands and licking the blood up. Once it was a little cleaner, he sank his fangs in. That would heal it. But Eren was still unconscious, so that wasn't helping matters. He had yet to tell him he was allowed to go home. He'd have to revive him first. He drained the arm a little more until he felt full, disappointed with how his last feed of this blood had been. In hindsight, that had ruined it somewhat. He'd been quite enjoying the kissing, despite not wanting to form an attachment. He already had just a little bit- that was why he had kept him for so long. Usually he could only keep a human around for so many hours until he grew bored and either turned them and hired them or turfed them out with threats of death if they told anyone. He picked the boy up and carried him to his bed, drawing the covers over him and sitting on the end of the bed until his eyes slowly cracked open.
Eren looked down at his arm and saw that it was already healed. He couldn't comprehend fully what had just occurred. But if it had healed, that meant Levi had fed on him while he was unconscious. He wondered how long he had been out. He felt angry and taken advantage of. He wasn't even sure why, because it wasn't as if his consent had ever mattered before.
'You fainted,' Levi told him, inching forwards. 'Scared of blood or something?'
'Probably a mixture of pain and blood loss,' Eren corrected him. His senses were oddly dulled.
Levi opened his mouth to tell him what he had been meaning to say, but for some unexplainable reason he found himself floundering, unable to speak. What was happening to him? First he kept this boy around and allowed him not to bow, then he kissed him (although this wasn't hugely strange-he did this frequently when he was of a mind to), then he didn't go through with punishment, and now he didn't want to tell him he could leave in case he did. Well, he would leave. Who on earth would stick around Levi if they didn't have to? Although all his maids remained loyally by his side despite his tempestuous nature and violent outbursts, they all had their reasons to do this. Either the salary or they owed him their life. It was almost depressing really, but nobody actually had a genuine care for him. But he didn't need people. All he needed was power. Power was good; power wouldn't betray him. But the only reason he had so much was his ability to remain emotionally disengaged. He had to keep it that way or he'd plummet from his throne.
'You can leave,' he forced out. 'Go home, whatever.'
'I- really?' Eren's face lit up, infuriating Levi all the more. Was he really do eager to leave?
'But I don't have any money for a cab,' he suddenly realised, internally panicking. How the hell was he supposed to get home now? He'd got a cab here, but had no idea where his jeans with his cab money in the back pocket were anymore.
'I'll drive you,' Levi grimaced. 'But don't expect anything else.'

Eren's jaw dropped when he saw Levi's car. He didn't know much about motoring, but he knew enough to know that this car must have cost upwards of the cumulative amount of money he'd had in his bank account ever. Levi smirked when he saw his appreciative stare, unlocking it. The doors actually rose vertically with the click of a button, and Eren cautiously sat in the passenger's seat. He didn't want to get a single speck of dust on it. The engine growled when it started up, a premonition of their journey already. He knew as soon as Levi put his foot almost flat on the pedal that he was in for a ride. His fingers gripped the edge of the seat as they drove twice the speed limit down an open road. He didn't want to mention it, but he thought he might be sick. And this car was so nice as well, he didn't want to ruin the impeccable upholstery.
'Do you think maybe you could slow down a little?' He panted, trying to still his spinning mind. Levi looked across at him and saw the pallid green hue of his skin, slowing considerably and muttering angrily about how if he threw up it wouldn't be the speed of the car he'd be afraid of anymore.
'Where do you live?' Levi asked as they hit the main road.
'Shigansina Estate,' Eren looked down in his lap, ashamed that he lived in such a rundown area when the King resided in his palace. He kept stealing glances at the King, trying to figure out why he was paying him such a kindness as to drive him home. If any of his friends saw him getting out this car, he'd never escape the questions. Especially if they saw who was at the wheel. Levi found the estate easily- had he been here before? He parked lazily at the side of the road and very askew, half across the pavement. He opened the doors and looked at the brunet. Should he say anything? He decided against it, instead passing the boy a key and giving him a meaningful stare.
'What's this?' Eren frowned, taking the key and turning it over in his hands.
'Door key. Come back whenever.'
Eren stared at him for a very long time, not entirely comprehending what he had just been told. Was Levi really expecting him to return to the place had just been held captive at for two days? He was so glad to have finally escaped; he was never going back there. He shrugged and dropped it into his pocket.
'Yeah,' he turned and walked away.

Once he made it into the building, Eren began to run. He wanted to make sure that he was really free. He hammered hard on his door, waiting pensively for his mother to open it.
'Where were you?' She demanded when she at last did.
'I stayed at a friend's because I couldn't get a cab and my phone's here. Sorry,' he rubbed the back of his neck, something he always did when he was lying. His mother knew this, and she scolded him for not at least calling her from a pay phone or borrowing his 'friend's' phone. She was sure that it was a girl and he was too embarrassed to admit to spending the past two nights with a girl.
He ducked past her and retreated to his room. He hadn't lied to her, in as many words. He had simply bent the truth. He picked his phone up from his bed and found that he had a mind-blowing 72 missed calls from Mikasa. That had to be some kind of record or something. Reluctantly, he pressed the dial button. She picked up before the tone could even sound.
'Eren Jaeger!' She screeched down the line. 'Where the fuck have you been? You were meant to meet me and Armin at the library yesterday, and when you didn't show up we asked your mum, and she said you haven't been home all weekend!'
He rattled off the same excuse he had given his mother, knowing full well it wouldn't work on her. He could still try.
'Don't give me that shit. If you were whoring it up with some girl, whatever. But a girl you met at one of the King's parties must be a total slag...'
He rolled his eyes and told her not to slut shame, and that she was just jealous it wasn't her. She grudgingly told him she was glad he was safe and that he had to share all the details of the party with her at school the next day. Relieved to have gotten off so lightly, he said goodbye and hung up. All he wanted to do now was go to sleep in his own bed and return to normality. Vampires would cease to exist. All that bloodsucking and- oh god, the kissing too- would be pushed to the back of his mind. But then he remembered that he still went to the same school as Levi. That was going to make for some awkward encounters. How could he ever forget the feel of those lips if he was forced to look at them so often? How was he supposed to forget the look of his eyes half-closed and darkened with lust when he'd have to meet them across the grounds all the time? And how was he expected to manage without the sensation he received from having his blood sucked from him? Had he been a little less inclined to go with whatever his friends told him, he might have skipped the party. Especially as it turned out his invitation had been a mistake on the behalf of Levi's staff.
Maybe then, if he had listened to his own qualms about the 'King', he might not have been in such a terrible position as he was now. This entire situation was just one huge, baffling and life-changing mess.

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