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Eren felt a hundred eyes on him as he walked through the mansion, wishing he could just go home. He should never have come to the party... He felt so intimidated by all the beautiful girls in hooker dresses and boys bursting with muscles. Then he saw the King himself, slouched in a chair with a girl on both armrests. Amusingly, the chair was actually a throne. He was wearing a burgundy waistcoat left unbuttoned to reveal his defined core and leather skinnies that clung to his slender legs like the girls at his arms. They were slung low on his waist, his v-line guiding the eyes to the waistband suggestively. Eren felt his pulse racing, and he really really wanted to get out of there. The impossibly fierce glare of Levi's black eyes burned deeply into him as his eyes drifted lazily over. They bore deep into him, as if exploring the very core of him. He felt his insides shrivel and go cold. The eyes left him for a moment to call somebody over, but he still felt like a rabbit caught in the headlights. He darted away, finding his way into some dark corridor. Three girls far older than he were standing there, laughing together. They grinned when they saw him.
'Look at this,' a tall brunette smirked. 'Looks like the King did provide snacks after all. This one smells especially exquisite.'
They started walking over to him, swaying their hips side to side in synch. The brunette pushed him against the wall, and Eren tried to slide away, but found that her hand on his shoulder alone could keep him there. She was so unnaturally strong... What was happening? She tilted his head back forcefully, slowly lowering her face towards him. She curled her lips back and he could have sworn her canines extended a little too far to be normal. He heard more footsteps, and soon there was a crowd round him. He felt so claustrophobic and began to panic. What was going on and how was he going to escape? She moved in closer, her hair brushing his face and tickling his nose. He gulped and this seemed to make her all the more excited. Her hot breath on his neck distracted him from his fear until he felt hands grabbing at him and people pulling him around. They were each trying to claim him for himself, and he found himself being tugged around in circles, dazed and disoriented. A sharp pain sliced the haze of fear as he felt somebody's nails digging into his wrist. Were they checking his pulse? That was what it felt like... He couldn't even see faces anymore he was so crowded over. Suddenly, a gravelly low-pitched voice cut through the chaos. Despite its low volume, it somehow rose above all the rest.
'Drop.' The voice ordered, as if talking to a mischievous dog. He felt himself being let go, and collapsed to the ground as the hands fell away. He knelt gasping for breath for a few moments before he was hauled to his feet by strong hands underneath his arms. He opened his eyes to see who his supposed saviour was. If his heart had been going wild before, now it stopped altogether. Levi was stood in front of him, arms crossed and a bemused expression on his face.
'Come with me,' he ordered, his voice sending chills down Eren's spine. There was something threatening in his time that suggested he was in for a very strange night. As if it hadn't been a surreal enough experience already. He followed the King down the corridor towards a staircase, hyperaware of the many eyes on him. He tried not to meet anybody's eyes lest he should go into full meltdown. He hated social situations, and this had been the worst one ever. Levi didn't look back at him, instead shoving his hands in his pockets and bounding athletically up the stairs as if they were nothing to him. Which, assuming by his physique, they probably were. He brought a key from a chain round his neck and unlocked a heavy door at the end of another corridor.
'Stay in there,' he ordered, and Eren obeyed reluctantly. He had no intention of staying at the party, but he had no choice. He was too afraid to speak. He walked in and was struck by the sight of what literally looked like a torture chamber. There was just an atmosphere in there that made him shudder. All it contained was a small military cot, a large table in the centre and... Really? There were actually handcuffs chained to the wall? Scary. Or possibly very kinky. He was about to back out when he heard the door slamming shut and the lock turning. Levi had left him in there. He immediately lunged forwards and desperately slammed on it, calling for help. He could not stay locked in a room, and not this one by any means! After ten minutes of shouting, he realised that nobody was going to open it. Without any knowledge of why he was at this party, why he had been harassed like that and most importantly why the hell he was locked in Levi's torture chamber? He flopped down on the uncomfortable bed, staring up at the ceiling and trying to keep a level head. Nope, that wasn't gonna happen. He was a claustrophobe; being locked in a room, especially after what had just happened, was his worst possible nightmare. He swung his legs over the side of the bed, putting his head between his knees to stop himself feeling so nauseated. He was relieved to then hear the click of the lock, hoping that somebody had found him and would help him get home. If only he hadn't left his phone at home... But the person who walked in was Levi, who locked the door once more behind him.
'What's your name?' The King demanded, his eyes glinting menacingly. Eren found himself unable to speak, his mouth opening and closing like a fish.
'Speak, you moron, before I give you a reason to really be speechless,' Levi saw how panic-stricken the boy was, and it gave him immense pleasure. How he enjoyed intimidating wimps like this. But what was a human doing at his party?
'Ere- Eren Jaeger,' he stammered, his oceanic emerald eyes wide.
'What are you doing at my party?'
'I- uh... I had an invite,' Eren was about to pass out. Was he not meant to be here? Had the invitation been for somebody else? He had known it was unlikely to be for him in the first place.
'You did? How strange...' Levi muttered. 'I suppose I'll have to fire somebody tonight. I would apologise for my guests, but I don't really care.'
He stared curiously at the human intruder, wondering what odd turn of events had brought him here. He really was a very pretty little thing, tall and slender with a cherubic doll-like face and an innocence the likes of which he had never seen before. It fascinated him... The humans at his parties were always drunk or drugged up so that they forgot everything, but he hadn't needed that with purely vampiric company. They also always threw themselves at him or somebody. And yet this boy was so timid it was a wonder he was at this party at all. How brave this little lamb was, to enter the lion's den at feeding time.
'I suppose you'll be wanting an explanation,' he rolled his eyes theatrically. 'As to why I have you locked up in here.'
'I'm- I'm claustrophobic!' he blurted, burying his face in his hands. 'Just let me out!'
A claustrophobic lamb in the clutches of an intimidating lion king? How truly scintillating this all was. He decided to have a little fun with this...
'Do you know what I am, Jaeger?' He growled, moving stealthily towards him, slightly too fast too be seen as normal. This startled the boy, and he scrambled backwards.
'You- you're the King of the school?' He guessed.
'No, you swine. Far worse than that. Take another guess,' Levi ran his tongue over his teeth, feeling his canines extend and prick into his tongue, causing it to bleed a little. Blood beaded up in the corner of his mouth, and he leaned close to Eren- so close he could smell the aftershave on his skin. It excited him immensely. This was a fun little guessing game to him, something to entertain him as everybody else had been so dull this evening.
'I- I don't know,' Eren whispered, his voice barely audible. He was staring intently at Levi's lips; his teeth, to be specific. They were unnervingly long. And sharp too, so sharp they had cut his tongue just with a touch. There had always been something subhuman about Levi, and in this moment this feeling was heightened. His eyes had darkened somehow, now pitiless black pools of tyranny. Levi moved his lips to his ear and uttered three words that made his blood run cold.
'I'm a vampire.'
'Y-you're crazy!'
'Everybody else at this party is a vampire too. They all think you're my subject and want to share you with me.'
'Sh-Share me?'
'Oh yes, Eren. You do smell quite tantalisingly delicious.' It was true; the boy smelt like nothing he had ever encountered before. What was this sweet, inviting fragrance that so made him want a taste? 'So I'm going to keep you safe in here until they're all gone.'
He enjoyed the expression of pure terror on Eren's face, creasing his seraphic features. He could definitely have a lot of fun with this toy that fate had supplied him.
'I should kill you,' he breathed and cupped the boy's cheek, brushing his thumb under his eye. And oh, how he desired to tear him limb from limb just to see that delicious expression of terror once more. 'But I have a party to attend to. I'll see you in a few hours, lamb.'

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