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Eren took another swig of whatever the hell was in Jean's flask, laughing loudly. It was Tuesday evening and they were all hanging in the park, taking the piss out of everyone.
'Oi, Con!' Sasha grabbed her boyfriend by his hood and dragged him backwards, whispering something into his ear.
'No way,' he groaned. 'I didn't even talk to her yesterday!'
'Aye mate, pass us a light,' Marco waved a hand at Jean, who passed it to him. Marco lit up the joint, taking a long drag and passing it around.
As they were all laughing and joking while getting steadily drunker, a dark figure was striding towards them with purpose.
'Looks like some prick's come to tell us to be quiet,' Mikasa rolled her eyes. But instead, a slender white-haired boy emerged from the shadows.
'Hello,' His voice was strangely emotionless, very soft and low. 'I was just wondering if you knew somebody that I have been looking for...'
'Who the fuck are you?' Reiner squared up, folding his arms over his barrel of a chest.
'My name is Archer,' the boy had a faint French accent, and it showed most when he said his name. It sounded more like 'our share'.
'Yeah, who you lookin for then?' Reiner looked very ready for a fight, as usual.
'My brother.'
'That ain't an answer, mate. Who's it you're wanting?'
'His name is Levi.'
They all looked at each other, confused. Levi had a brother? They looked nothing alike... And they'd all assumed he had no family.
'We know the guy...' Armin eyed Archer up, not sure whether to trust him or not.
'Unfortunate for you. Now, tell me where he lives,' Archer may have looked nothing like his claimed brother, but he had the same haughty manner and total unwavering confidence that immediately brought everybody under his control.
'Eren, you're the only one who knows. You went to his party on Friday, right?' Jean practically gave his friend up for dead. Eren glared at him, and walked over to Archer.
'They don't know where he lives for a reason, I am guessing. Please come with me and tell me privately,' Archer spoke quietly to him, and Eren had no idea what to do. Did he trust this guy enough to give him Levi's address? The guy always had bodyguards around, so surely he kept tight security for a reason and didn't want his address being given out to anyone? He claimed to be his brother but they looked nothing alike and besides, he could be any random. But this guy was almost equally as scary as the King, so he didn't want to disobey him. He nodded and followed the boy round behind a tree, promising his friends he'd shout for them if dodgy shit started happening. He had just finished explaining the directions when Archer slowly walked him into the tree backwards, tilting his head up to bare his neck.
'So you're the toy Zoë was telling me about,' he smiled like a cat who had got the cream. 'It would be entertaining to kill you, I think. My brother would be so angry. He hates it when I play with his toys.'
Eren gulped and tried to squirm away, but a hand was clasped over his mouth and he found himself unable to move. Archer grinned again, revealing his fangs. He kneed Eren in the stomach, then followed it through with a hand round his throat as he choked. Eren felt his eyes bulging and his blood roaring. Why did vampires have such an obsession with choking him? He clawed at the hand, but it was immovable. He actually thought he was going to die; he could see black spots appearing in his vision. And all he could think was not again... His brain was racing, trying to formulate escape strategies, but not one occurred to him. He was going to die there. He couldn't call out to his friends or anything, and it wasn't as if they could beat a vampire in a fight. Suddenly Archer was wrenched away from him by another strong pair of hands, and somebody was trying to pull him up as he collapsed breathless to the ground, gagging.
'Conasse,' Levi growled at Archer, shoving him back. 'Je vais-'
He didn't finish his sentence, seemingly too angry to speak.
'Just get in my car,' he sighed, yanking Eren to his feet. Archer smirked and started ambling towards Levi's car, which was badly parked on the side of the road next to the park.
'You shouldn't have let him do that,' Levi hissed at Eren, who looked both confused and crapping himself.
'Let him?' He stammered. He hadn't allowed that. He hadn't exactly wanted it to happen, and Archer hadn't asked his permission or anything.
'He could have killed you. Then what kind of a position would I be in?'
'You've tried to kill me twice! What do you care if I die?'
'I didnt. It's not my fault you're as weak as you are. And it's not about me caring, it's about a police investigation pointing towards my brother. Now go run back to your friends and stop getting in my way.'
Levi watched Eren scrambling away, the fear obvious in the speed at which he walked. He turned on his heel and straightened his shirt before following his brother to his car.
'Give me a reason not to kill you,' was his only greeting as he slid in front of the wheel. When he didn't get a reply, he shrugged and started the engine. As they cruised down the streets, he could feel his brother's eyes on his back. Archer was the only person capable of defying him, because he knew he'd never kill him. His only weakness was his brother. And that was the reason they hated each other; because Levi had abandoned Archer in the slums of Paris because he hadn't wanted a single weakness. It was perfectly understandable in his eyes, but not in his brothers. He parked in his expansive driveway and opened the doors. Archer looked less than impressed, which irked him as he had been banking on him being so in awe of his riches that he understood why he had abandoned him.
'So this is where you're living now?' He looked round the entrance hall as they walked through the huge doors, his neck craning as he took in the vast room. 'I don't like it.'
'I don't care,' Levi snapped his fingers and Meredith dashed out from a doorway carrying champagne. She offered some to Archer, but he declined it on the grounds that it wasn't as good as Parisian wine. She looked a little lost for words as nobody ever spoke like that around the King and expected to keep their head. Levi had rushed off in a hurry about an hour ago and demanded the finest hospitality when he returned. What was so special about this white-haired boy?
The pair went through to the sitting room, and Levi lounged across a chair in his usual debonair fashion. Archer wouldn't even sit down, so Levi simply waited for the onslaught. He wasn't scared exactly, but he was a little uncomfortable.
'What are you doing here?' He sighed, knowing full well why, but he just couldn't comprehend why he had bothered after the way he had been treated.
'You left me,' Archer said this so casually, as if he hadn't been betrayed completely.
'And I did it for a reason, meaning you should just stay away.'
'Look, Levi. I've been keeping an eye on you for the past two months or so, and you've gone off the rails completely. You leave a trail of bodies behind and expect everybody else to clear up the mess or they'll become part of it. I have come to believe that you truly have no emotions left, so I'm not sure how exactly to bring my brother back. You never were the nicest person, but at least you knew how to smile and you'd never dream of abandoning me like you did. And yes, I'm still mad about that. But I'm going to forgive you and fix it all,'
'How are you going to do that?'
'I know that you haven't lost your humanity just yet. So I'm going to destroy everything you love, everything you even slightly care about. I'm going to break you so completely that you have no choice but to beg me to stop because you can't take anymore pain.'
Levi was momentarily lost for words; this was nothing like his usually relatively level-headed brother. He had never been bothered by Levi's bad attitude before now. Something had obviously changed in him over the past year that they'd been apart.
'Well good luck with that,' he finally chuckled. 'You won't find anything to destroy.'
'I don't know, you seemed pretty upset when I went for your little plaything earlier...'
'Where are you staying?'
'Tactful change of subject there. I've been here and there, jumping round houses.'
'I wondered why the murder rate had gone up a little this month. In the interests of keeping the city a little safer, stay here. Take any room you like.'
'You can't disguise your concern for me with wanting to keep crime rates down,' Archer smirked, nudging his brother with his foot.
'Whatever. Just get out of my sight, yeah?'

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