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Eren was sat on his bed with his head in his hands and legs crossed beneath him. Levi hesitantly sat next to him, wrapping his arms round his shaking shoulders.
'Go away,' Eren mumbled, trying to squirm away, but Levi took advantage of his superior strength and held him tight to his chest.
'Please don't hate me,' he whispered. 'I shouldn't have gotten so angry and I'm sorry. I'm not going to make any excuses, because I was just being my usual stupid self.'
Eren slowly unfurled and rested his head on Levi's shoulder, curling his arms round his slender waist and wanting to do far worse things. He brought his head up and allowed their cheeks to brush before he delicately placed a butterfly kiss on Levi's lips, knowing that this was a terrible idea, especially as his mother was in the room next door. There was just something so inhumanly intoxicating about Levi's presence, his touch, his taste. He allowed himself to be slowly pushed backwards and onto the bed, the kiss deepening. He felt strong hands lacing with his and pulling them above his head.
'Stop,' he giggled, turning his head. 'If my mum walks in she'll behead you.'
Levi's only answer was to kiss his neck and grin devilishly at the mewls this provoked. He was anxiously aware that he was dangerously close to completely falling in love with those noises. For a second, his fangs appeared and he hastened to retract them, but they didn't go unnoticed.
'Hey, if you're thirsty then go for it,' Eren had, in truth, noticed that Levi wasn't looking his best recently and probably due to not feeding enough. He remembered that one time where he's almost passed out because he hadn't fed in days- he didn't want a repeat of that.
'I'm fine,' Levi sat atop Eren's stomach, trying his best to pass it off as nothing. Feeding was a bad idea at that moment, because he knew that Eren's blood was a heady drug to rival the effects of heroin and cocaine and he had no control whatsoever around it.
'Don't be stupid,' Eren sat up too, so that Levi was sat on his lap, and pecked him on the cheek. 'You need to be on your best form so you can save me from Mikasa, because I'm pretty sure she's going to be here to shout at me soon.'
In an uncanny act of fate playing tricks, Mikasa walked in on them at that exact moment. She opened her mouth to say something when she noticed that her best friend had the one person she most wanted him to steer clear of sat on his lap. Her hands flew to her face as Eren squeaked and shoved Levi away.
'What the hell?' She fixed them both with a confused and slightly angry glare. Eren swore and tried to bury his bright red face by ducking his head, but she had seen enough. This was not just a weird position they happened to have ended up in. She'd always wondered what the two of them had with each other, and the sexual tension that she could have sworn she sometimes seemed to sense around them was clearly not a figment of her imagination.
'You... and Levi,' she pulled a disgusted grimace. 'You two are- you're together.'
Eren sighed and realised that he couldn't escape this; he'd have to tell her. This was so embarrassing, he wanted to crawl into a hole somewhere and curl up into a foetal position until she forgot.
'Yeah,' he muttered as quietly as she could with her still able to hear.
'And you were going to tell me this when?'
'I just didn't want you to try and break us up.'
She made an intelligible angry noise and threw her bag on the bed, completely astonished and barely able to comprehend what she had just witnessed. She'd known deep down that something like this was inevitable, but she hadn't outwardly acknowledged that not allowed the thought to permeate rational thinking. The thing that stopped her from yelling at Eren until she was blue in the face was his panicked expression and the fear brightening his eyes.
'Levi, give us a minute,' she asked quietly, giving him a pointed look, and was surprised to see that he nodded silently and left them to sort out whatever needed sorting.
'Is that the real reason you didn't want to tell me?' She tried to keep her voice level, not wanting to betray her emotions. She had a suspicion that really he hadn't been afraid of telling her it was Levi, but that it was a boy.
'I- no. You know exactly why,' his face creased and she sat down next to him, scooching up to sit cross-legged in front of him and take his hands like she used to do when they were kids and whispering each other secrets like 'I threw a stone at somebody's car' and 'I saw somebody shooting up behind a bin'. Now it was much more serious than that, of course.
'Eren, you should have told me...'
'I'm sorry,' he took a deep shaky breath as if he was trying not to cry. 'I've known for years and I should've told you sooner, but I was just so scared!'
'Armin knows, doesn't he?'
'He doesn't know about me and Levi... Well, he knows that we might have kissed a few times, but I only told him about when I stayed at his.'
'Oh, the time you stayed at his after the party which you lied to my face about?'
'I'm sorry about that too. Do you know how scary it is to tell somebody something like that, knowing that most people think it makes me weird and a freak?'
'Oh, don't cry!' She clamoured as he screwed up his eyes and dropped her hands. 'I know it's really hard to tell people things like that, but I'd never think you were weird because of that. I only think you're a freak because of your terrible choice in men.'
He laughed and flung his arms round her neck, taken aback and ecstatic with joy because other than his mother and his boyfriend, Mikasa was the first person who has ever told him she accepted that he was gay. He didn't even know Armin's feelings on the subject, because he'd cared more about the murders and other illegal things taking place in Levi's home. Joy bubbled up within him and he couldn't help himself from crying even more. Levi burst in, having been too concerned when he'd heard crying to remain behind the door. Thankfully, he found Eren in high spirits.
'Are you okay?' He asked this with such sincerity and genuine care that Mikasa wondered if she'd been wrong about him all along. From just the look on his face, she could see he adored Eren unconditionally.
'I'm fine,' Eren beamed. 'But I think Mikasa probably wants to speak to you, too.' With that, he got up and left.
'He's not wrong,' she lost her smile. 'I don't know what your intentions are with him, but if you do so much as touch him I will do worse than kill you.'
'What if he wants me to touch him?' He smirked, unable to resist from taunting her because clearly she was not a fan of them being together.
'I didn't need to hear that. I just don't want you hurting him.'
'I know I've done bad things to him before, but I swear it will never happen again. I know I come across as an evil thug, but I really do care about him, even if I show it in all the worst ways.'
'You treat him well, you hear me? You take him for dates every bloody week and you pay for everything because God knows he can't afford it. You don't pressure him into doing anything, ever. You respect all his decisions, even if he decides that he wants to end it. If he's stressed, you bring him ice cream in the middle of the night and stroke his head. I've been doing these things for years, and now I'm giving you the responsibility. Do you want to shoulder it or not?'
It sounded like a lot, and he wasn't entirely sure he would be able to get anything right due to his insufferable mood swings, but if that was what it took to make Eren happy, that was what he would do.
'Never wanted anything more.'

Eren knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but he did it regardless and what he heard made his heart swell and almost burst. Levi really did care about him, and all the things he had promised to do... Was it really true? The door opened and Mikasa gave him a stern look, well aware that he had been listening in.
'I'm leaving you guys to it,' she tried to sound okay with it. She didn't have to ask whether they were sleeping together- that much was evident from the amount of time Eren had spent at Levi's. Armed with this new knowledge of their relationship, she had no doubt that Archer had been lying about what had really happened on Friday night.

Eren barely made it into his bedroom before he was tackled and pinned down on the bed, Levi's eyes bearing into him like lasers.
'We can't,' Eren whined, wishing more than anything that they could. 'What if my mum or my sister walked in?'
'They'd hear you first,' Levi winked and planted a kiss on his forehead. 'You scream like a bitch.'
'Ugh, I wish I lived alone sometimes.'
'So come with me, stay at mine tonight.'
'My mum may be a little ditzy, but she's not thick.'
'School project?'
'That's a line I used in year 8. We're not even in the same year, and unless we're doing a school project on hickeys she's not going to believe us,' the purple marks on his neck from Friday still hadn't quite healed up, but thankfully they were too low to show above his shirt.
'Fine. Then just tell her you're staying at mine-'
'I can hear you guys from in here!' Carla yelled through the door, and Eren went redder than ever. 'Just go before I lock my son up. Don't forget your school stuff.'
Eren blushed and grabbed his things, before scurrying out the door holding Levi's hand awkwardly.
'I'm going to pretend I don't know what you two are doing,' she waved them off, laughing at the pair of them, who looked incredibly sheepish. 'And just be grateful that I won't have to hear Eren screaming like a bitch.'
'I'm gonna fucking kill you,' Eren growled, ducking out the door.

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