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Eren woke up with a start, jerking forwards. It took a long time to work out where he was, because he had practically no memory of the night before and his head was pounding like a bitch. Then the memories came flooding back with a jolt and he felt his head implode. What the fuck had he done? He'd... Oh god. He could hardly think about it. He looked to his side, and saw that the bed was empty. His primary emotion was relief, and then fear. What was he going to do? He hadn't meant for any of that to happen! He resolved there and then to become a teetotal. He was never drinking again if it meant shit like this was going to happen. He groaned and rubbed his forehead, angry at himself for doing such a ridiculously stupid thing. His friends probably knew exactly what he had done, as well. What other reason could he fabricate for staying overnight? He pulled the sheets up around him, aware both that he was naked and that Levi could return at any moment. Jesus Christ, he had fucked up big time. His entire body ached like hell, and all he wanted was to run home and curl up in his bed to cry. He could ask his mum for advice. She'd know what to do- she always did. The door opened, and he felt panic spike in his chest.
'I brought you aspirin,' Levi was standing in the doorway with a glass of water and two pills, looking surprisingly nonchalant. 'Thought you'd have a hangover.'
How could he act so casual about this? They had just done something seriously crazy and stupid and weird and he was bringing him drugs? He was just so tired and confused and his head was so achy and he was just so, so scared that he suddenly burst into tears. Levi's expression went from one of boredom to sheer terror. He quickly placed the water and pills on the table and knelt on the bed next to him.
'Uh, wow,' he widened his eyes and breathed in sharply. 'Okay. Was it really that bad?'
Eren gave him a mortified look, and just started crying harder. He pulled his knees up to his chest and hid his face in his hands.
'Well, talk to me!' Levi sighed impatiently and flicked him on the ear, uncomfortable not knowing what to do. He always knew what to do! Yet here he was, floundering and having no idea how to comfort the crying boy in his bed.
'I- I need to go home,' Eren stammered.
'Can't we at least talk about this?'
'No, I need to go home!' His voice cracked with panic. 'I'm sorry. Please, just take me home now.'
'Not until you tell me what's going on!'
He shook his head and wiped the tears from his cheeks, apologising profusely for being stupid and insisting that he was just tired and hungover. Levi could tell that it was much more than that from the way he wouldn't even meet his eyes.
'Do you regret it?'
'How could I not regret it? I swore to myself that something like this would never happen, and tonight was all about us just being friends and yet however awful you are to me you still drive me crazy! It was cruel of you to take advantage of that.'
'You...' Levi stiffened, pursing his lips and gritting his jaw. 'You think I was taking advantage of you?'
'I- yes.'
He hesitated for a moment, his expression hurt, then rolled his eyes and took Eren's hands in his, forcing him to reveal his tear-stained face.
'Eren, I would never take advantage of you. Yes, I've done some horrible things but I swear I never will again. Last night, that was the first time I really let somebody close to me in such a long time. And you did that! I can't believe you don't see how infatuated with you I've become. I don't know about you, but I don't regret what happened last night at all. If you ask me, it was inevitable; we both knew it was going to happen at some point.'
Eren took a deep breath and nodded. His heart swelled a little when he heard these words.
'Yeah,' he conceded. 'It was. But that doesn't change a thing.'
He had the feeling that they'd crossed a line and they could never go back from this. Levi was disappointed with this answer, but decided to take his small victories where he could. After all, Eren had admitted that it was inevitable. That would require some return of sexual tension, wouldn't it? He handed him the aspirin and water, observing him closely as he gulped them down.
'Do you really regret it?' He asked quietly.
'I'm sorry,' Eren looked down ashamedly. 'I don't regret that we did it, per se. It was just the wrong time. I only wish I hadn't been drunk.'
'And I didn't hurt you too much?'
'No, it was great,' he blushed like a tomato and placed the refreshingly cool glass against his burning cheek.
'Good. That's good; I'm glad. Here, I'll make you some food and then I'll take you home, okay?'
'Sounds great.'

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