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The school was big enough that Eren could probably go an entire day without bumping into Levi once. So why was it that every time he turned around, it seemed, the terrifying sadist he had spent his weekend being tortured by was standing right by him? He was wearing his usual provocative clothing, but today it seemed different. Usually Eren looked at it and though 'ugh, what a prick!' but now he looked at it and couldn't stop the thoughts of how that partially revealed chest felt pressed up against him flooding in like the dam of his resolve had burst. But not once did they make eye contact. It was as if they had returned to strangers once again. How was that possible? Sure, Levi had probably done the same with many others before. But he couldn't have forgotten about it already- not just a day after.
'Eren!' Mikasa elbowed him hard in the stomach. 'What's wrong with you today?'
'Huh?' He blinked hard, trying to resume a less vacant exterior.
'You've been so out of it all day. And you still haven't told me where you were all weekend,'
'I did, on the phone yesterday. I stayed with a friend.'
'You're a bad liar,' Armin raised an eyebrow. 'We both know you were probably just hooking up with a girl from the party. So what? You don't have to be so prudish about it.'
'Uh, yeah. That's it,' Eren breathed a sigh of relief.
'Okay, now I'm suspicious,' Mikasa frowned. 'You sound like you're lying again. You weren't doing anything illegal were you?'
He thought about how he had almost been killed twice, and how he had witnessed a serious assault and almost murder.
'No,' he stated. It was true, he hadn't done anything illegal himself. 'I was with a girl, and let that be the end of it.'
They looked at him long and hard, trying to decide whether they should trust him or not. Whatever they decided, they pursued it no further.

Levi could hear everything Eren was saying, and he couldn't help but smirk a little to himself listening to him trying to explain where he had been. Fortunately, he hadn't risked his life by telling the truth. That was a positive sign. He had also noticed with great amusement that the boy was wearing his house key on a string round his neck. His friends, however, hadn't. He looked forward to when they did so he could witness the terrible excuses that were sure to follow. He wasn't sure why he was still bothering to keep tabs on this boy, considering he had let him go for some godforsaken reason and would likely never have anything to do with him again. That was actually quite a sentimental thing for him to think. Usually he paid little to no attention whatsoever to his previous subjects. Most vampires had a main subject who they kept around until they started looking too old to pass as their partner. But Levi found people became tedious very quickly, so he removed them frequently. Eren had entertained him while he had been there, and he wouldn't have minded keeping him round for longer had it not been inconvenient.
He was just filing a few last things away into his locker at the end of the day, believing the school to be empty, when he heard footsteps behind him. His bodyguards prepared themselves to strike, but he motioned for them to stand down.
'You're late,' he growled, turning his key in the lock and turning round.
'You're rude,' Hanji Zoë countered, crossing her arms across her chest. 'And I'm not the late one. Where's that full report you promised me last week?'
'I've been busy,' he shrugged nonchalantly. 'Things to do.'
'Is that pretty boy you've been following round things?' She cackled and he fixed her with a death glare.
'I'll have it to you by Wednesday,' he didn't reward her with an answer to her stupid question. He owed her a report on the crime rate in London compared to before he had become head. As far as he knew, it had dropped dramatically. For the most part it was probably because he had killed half the new vampires who used their newfound abilities to rob banks and cause havoc. The previous head had been far too lax about everything, saying that everything would sort itself out in the end. How wrong he had been... The best part was he only realised his mistakes when Levi was about to behead him. For the first time, he had prayed to the god that he had always denied. There was no point, because just seconds later his head had rolled along the ground, his blood seeping into the dirt and forming a stain almost as large as the one on his reputation when everybody found out how easily he had been betrayed by his advisor.
'If I don't have it by then, heads will roll. Again,' she warned. She was head of Birmingham- slightly less prestigious and a much smaller area to control. But she had lots of influence in the central Council, which consisted of the heads of the capital of all countries. Levi was part of it, but he didn't contribute to it much. He usually got Hanji to deal with most of the things to do with that, as he had saved her life a few times. She owed him. Besides, she wanted to be on the Council so badly that she didn't see it as a favour to him, more a privelige for her.
'It'll be done. You can leave now,' he dismissed her with all the authority of a king. She rolled her eyes and left him to whatever he had been doing before.
'See you Wednesday!' She left as her departing words. He grumbled something about preparing a poisoned dinner, then motioned to his bodyguards to leave. They escorted him to his car then all left to go to their respective homes. The car was bombproof, and he didn't need any protection in his house because the security measures were so high and he had his maids. They didn't seem it at all, but they could be deadly killing machines if they so pleased. He had made sure of it by training them all up in the art of murder.

Eren lay back on his bed, revelling in the feeling of being home again. His 'sister' May was baking with his mum in the kitchen, and it smelled great. They were making a late birthday cake for him, since May had been with her mum over Eren's birthday. She was actually his cousin, but her dad was in jail and her mum a drug addict constantly in and out of rehab, so she lived with them. He had come to see her as a sister, and treated her as such. He checked his phone and found that he had a text from Connie.
'We're all hanging out at the park tomorrow. You're coming.'
Not even an invitation. Just you are coming. He could see he had no choice in the matter. The park wasn't even a park, it was just a wasteland behind the estate where the kids hung out and drank too much.
'Erennnnnnn!' May called from the kitchen, and he grudgingly followed the noise. The six year old was twirling round in her new dress from a second-hand sale at her school and she blew him a kiss, her little nose wrinkling up adorably.
'Do you like my dress?' She ran up and grabbed his leg, barely reaching above his hip.
'I love it,' he beamed, picking her up and swinging her around.
'Did you get in a fight?' She pouted, her face screwed up.
'No, why?' He frowned. He hadn't exactly gotten in a fight- that implied a relative balance of power.
'There's a bruise on your neck,' she prodded him. 'Lots of them.'
He laughed and put her down. That... Was awkward. His mum had heard too. She was looking at him, one eyebrow raised.
'May, can you go put your PJs on and I'll let you lick the spoon, yeah?' She bustled the small child out the kitchen, and when she was gone she confronted him. 'So who is she, then- do I know her?'
'Who?' Eren became increasingly more baffled by the second.
'This lass you've been necking it with.'
Oh, that was it. She assumed the hickies were from some girl at the party, and that he'd been staying with her rather than a friend.
'Nah. Just some cheap tart I met at the party who got too drunk and threw herself at me.'
'You can't talk about girls like that, you saucy baggage,' she scolded him, smacking him one over the head. 'Well, I only hope you're being sensible. You don't wanna end up like your old mum, eh? If I hadn't had you so young, I'd've been a dancer...' Her face glazed over wistfully as she reminisced about the 'good old days' when she'd been a dancer in a local pub. He couldn't be bothered to have the same old conversation about how kids only ruined your life yet again. May came dancing back in wearing one of his shirts, claiming it was hers. He grinned and told her she could borrow it to sleep in, as long as she ate all his vegetables for the next month. She grimaced and offered it back, but he only chuckled and told her he was only joking. He hugged his mum before he headed off to bed, just enjoying being back in her company after his traumatic weekend. She was pleasantly surprised by his affectionate mood, and reminded him that although she mildly resented him for ruining her prospects, she also loved him for improving her life as a whole.
He fell asleep quickly, untroubled by the nightmares he'd been haunted by the night before of girls being beaten almost to death, and hands wrapped round his neck.

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