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Eren must have fallen asleep at some point that night, because when he woke up there was light streaming out through the small window that was too high to see through. It took him a while to remember where he was, but when he did all the events of the night before came flooding back. He sat up with a rush, his hand flying to his neck. He felt nothing there but perhaps a little tenderness of the skin. The obvious explanation was that he had been drugged or taken something and just been tripping really hard for the whole evening. Because really, how likely was it that all the partygoers would clamour over him and most of all, what was the likelihood that Levi had drunk his blood? A very definite zero. Especially as there was no wound to show for this. But he was, however, still trapped against his will in this room with no means by which to escape or contact anybody. His parents were probably out of their mind with worry right now... He pulled himself to his feet, swaying slightly from the rush of blood to his head, and stretched his arms. He decided to try the door, just in case. It was locked- honestly, what had he expected? Of course it was. Just as he took his hand away from the handle, it turned. Just like that. Somebody was coming in. He expected Levi, but instead a petite blonde with bright blue eyes and a kissagram maids outfit was stood in the hallway.
'Come with me,' she ordered, looking very bored. He hesitated just a moment too long and she grabbed his arm, yanking him forwards and along the corridor to another room. It was the kind of room he expected royalty slept in. A luxurious four-poster king-sized bed was decorated with burgundy canopies and way too many pillows for it to look comfortable. There were huge windows looking out over the expansive ground of the mansion. And to top it all off, the King himself was sprawled across the bed, wearing just his trademark leather pants undone to give a very clear view of his hips. Did he just not wear anything under them?
'Thank you, Marzia,' he waved the girl away, and she curtseyed- actually curtseyed- before leaving them alone.
'Can I go home?' Eren pleaded. Levi's eyes slewed over to him, like he was investigating a specimen. The way he looked at him... It was like that of a predator watching its prey. He was so uncomfortable under the gaze of those black eyes.
'No.' Levi shook his head, sitting up. 'I believe we made a deal, did we not? Why do you think I called you here?'
'What deal?' Eren felt his mouth go dry. If this was about that weird vampire thing last night... No, that hadn't happened.
'You can't have forgotten already. The deal in which you keep your life in return for being my subject.'
'But that wasn't real! I- I don't even have a bite mark on my neck!'
'You idiot- of course you don't. It heals within moments. Otherwise how could we ever cover our tracks?'
'So you- you mean that all happened?'
'Oh, just come here. I called you here to feed, not talk.'
Eren wanted to run- every muscle in his body was telling him to take his chance while the door was open and run as fast and far away as he could, never returning to this place again. But another part of him was craving that pleasure deriving from having his blood sucked. He found his legs carrying him forwards without even consulting his rational thinking. Levi smirked and pulled him onto the bed by his shirt, rolling him onto his back and kneeling over his chest. This time, he didn't give him so much of a warning, instead going straight in. The pain seared through Eren's neck for a moment, but in just a split second it gave way to bliss. He arched his back, his fingers gripping the sheets as his blood was drained from him. He whimpered when Levi stopped after just a few short seconds, sitting up and wiping his mouth. He wanted more, he wanted that feeling again. Without it, he felt an aching absence.
'You will have to stay for a few days so I can be sure of your loyalty,' Levi rolled onto his side, delighting in watching the rise and fall of Eren's chest. 'I'll give you a nicer room. If you have any questions, I'll send Marzia along. Third room on the left, you can have it.' He watched the boy back out, not bothering to explain that he really ought to bow. Usually if somebody didn't bow he removed a finger or two- maybe even a limb. But for this boy he was making an exception; he was making a lot of them. He was still hungry, but he had forced himself to drink as little as he dared so that Eren was left unsatisfied. That meant that later, when the time came to feed again, it would be all the more enjoyable for them both after the wait. He wasn't entirely sure what had gotten into him; he always just took what he wanted when he wanted it. But conversely, he'd always loved games- and this boy was his favourite game of all.

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