Chapter 1

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Kristy's POV

I opened my eyes and tried to adjust my vision. I blinked trying to get my eyes to focus. I sat up and looked around the room. I was in someones bedroom. I got off the bed and looked for the door. I found it and tried to turn the handle. It opened and I looked out into the hallway. I heard movement down the hall and followed the noise. I ended up in the kitchen I saw a man I didn't know cooking. 

"What's going on?" I asked confused.

"Oh thank goodness you're awake." He told me.


"You hit your head." 

"What?" Seemed like the only thing that came out of my mouth. 

"Who are you?" I asked him. 

"You don't remember?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"I'm Matt, your fiance'." I was taken back by this.

"My fiance'?" I asked him. He nodded then pointed to my left hand. I looked down and saw an engagement ring on my finger. 

"Wait. What year is it?" He asked me.

"2016." I told him.

"And what's your name?" He asked me.

"Kristy Chase." I told him. 

"Shoot. We should get you to the hospital." 

"Wait I hit my head and you didn't take me to the hospital?" I asked him shocked.

"Well I guess I was just in a panic." He told me.

"Come on we should go." I nodded. I then heard something or someone cry.

"Wait, what's that?" I asked him.

"Oh Violet." He rushes down the hall and comes back carrying a baby in his arms. He buckled her into a car seat then picked up her by the carrier. 

"Is she mine?" I asked. He nodded.

"Are you the father?" I asked. Matt again nodded. He led me towards the car and I got in. He dealt with the baby then came around and hopped into the drivers seat.

~At the Hospital~

" Ms. Chase it looks like you have amnesia." The doctor told me.

"Amnesia?" I asked. He nodded.

"But what's interesting about this is that you can remember everything until you where 16." I nodded telling him to continue.

"Your fiance' said you fell?" He asked me.

"Yeah. That's what I heard." I told him then shrugged my shoulders.

"Do you know how?" The doctor asked me. I shook my head.

"What else could it be?" I asked him.

"Well sometime when you fall, people can have amnesia but only if something is happening in their life." 

"Like what?" 

"Abuse maybe." 

"Abuse?" I asked him.

"I'm not saying that happens to everyone, but the symptoms that you are showing are symptoms of someone who is abused. Because you can only remember from when you where living at home, something could have happened to you that made you lose those specific memories." the doctor explained to me.

"Can I get them back?" I asked him.

"Well it depends. You could or you couldn't. Some get their memories back, others don't"

~1 Hour Later~

"He said he doesn't know if I'm going to get my memories back." Matt looked at me and nodded.

" Well I'll try to do all I can to help your memories come back." 

"Thanks. I'll go check on the baby." I told him then went and walked to the nursery. I walked in and found the baby in her crib peacefully playing with her hands. I smiled at her then went and picked her up. She looked at me with her bright blue eyes.

"Huh? I've seen those eyes before." I spoke out loud. I held her close to my body. 

"You're really cute. And quiet." I told her. 

"You know, I'm a bit lost. I don't know where I am. Or who I became. I barely know you. But i'm glad that its when you're young because if I forgot who you where when you where all grown up I would be really upset with myself. Look at me I'm talking to a baby." I stopped talking and just rocked her back and forth. She soon fell asleep and I placed her back in the crib. I walked out of the nursery and into the bedroom. Matt was laying on the bed typing on his phone. 

"Oh I was wondering if you wanted for me to sleep on the couch and you can have the bed?" 

"No you can stay." I told him.

"You sure I don't mind." 

"No it's fine. Um where are my clothes?" I asked him. 

"Top drawer." He told me pointing to a dresser. 

"Thanks." I mumbled. I walked to the dresser grabbed what looked like pajamas then I walked to the bathroom and got ready for bed. Once I was ready I walked back out and climbed into bed. I moved as far away from Matt as possible. Because I don't trust him yet.

"Goodnight." He told me. 



BOOK THREE. WHAT? First update and I am happy to say I am finished with school and I am now on summer break. I hope you enjoy the third book, don't forget to comment and vote. I really like when you do.


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