Chapter 9

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Kristy's POV


"What are you doing? You're going to wake up the baby." I said. 

"Then we're going to have to be really quiet." I let out a small laugh. 

"You are are one naughty boy." I smile at him. 

"Please you haven't seen anything yet." The man told me. I crashed my lips onto his. 

"I love you."

"I love you too."  

I suddenly heard crying in the background. I let out a groan.

"I'll get it." 

I slowly felt my vision become blurry and the world began to slowly fade away. I opened my eyes and found myself in the guest bedroom. I sighed, I sat up and still heard someone crying. I got out of bed and went to go check on Violet. I went to her playpen and found her crying her eyes out. 

"Oh baby, there's no reason to cry." I told her while bouncing her on my hip.  

"It looks like it's time for breakfast." I said while checking my phone. I went to her bag and grabbed her bottle. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the water. I tested the water and it was not the temperature I wanted. I groaned, looks like I have to go down to kitchens again. I grabbed Violets bottle and started to walked towards the kitchen. 

When I finally got there I went towards the sink and tested the water. The water wasn't any better down here. I sighed and filled her bottle up then placed it in the microwave. Violet was still crying in my ear. 

"shh Violet. It's almost ready." I told her. 

"Need a hand?" I jumped and quickly turned around. 

"Woah, careful." Niall told me with his hands up.

"Sorry you just scared me." I told him. 

"It's okay. It's my fault. I shouldn't have sneaked up on you." I smiled at him. 

"Sorry, i'm just a little tired." I told him.

"Why don't I take her and you go back to bed." Niall suggested while taking Violet out of my hands.

"No really I'm fine." I reached for Violet and tried to take her back but Niall took a small step back.

"No I mean it, you rest and I'll take care of her." I looked at him then let out a sigh.

"You're right. A little extra sleep should do me some good." I agreed with him. 

"Now off to bed." He told me.

"Oh before I leave her bottle is heating up and if you need any help you can just ask me." 

"Okay I got it, now shoo." 

Niall's POV

I watched as Kristy walked out of the kitchen leaving me alone with Violet.

"Finally I thought she would never leave. Looks like it's just you and me." I went to the microwave and grabbed Violets bottle and then the powdered formula on the counter. I placed what was needed in the bottle then shook it. I held the bottle to Violet's mouth and she gladly took it in her hands trying to hold it. 

"You know when you were first born, I wouldn't let you go. I kept holding you and holding you. Your mother had to physically take you away from me." 

"Then soon after your birth you disappeared. It's hard not being able to hold your daughter. But the good news now is that your here safe."  Violet finished her bottle and I pulled it away from her. I placed the bottle down then started to burp her. 

"Now what shall we do?" I asked as I looked at her. I saw her yawn and her eyes started to close. 

"Oh looks like someone is getting tired." I held her in my arms and started to walk towards the nursery. Once I got there I placed Violet in her crib. 

"You know this was supposed to be your room. But it looks like it's going to be a bit longer until you are in your room." Violet gave in and closed her eyes. Her breathing became steady meaning she had fallen asleep. I turned on the baby monitor then quietly tip toed out of the room.

~3 hours later~

Kristy's POV

I sighed as I finished my relaxing soak. I got out of the tub and wrapped myself in a towel. I walked out into my room and changed. I grabbed Violet's diaper bag and decided to try and go track down King Niall. I walked up and down the hallway hoping to run into him but I had no luck. I sighed to myself and made my way towards his office. As I was walking towards his office. I walked past what looked like a doctors office. I stopped in my tracks and walked into the office. 

"Hello?" I called out.

"Can I help......." Queen AJ started but stopped mid sentence shocked to see me in front of her.

"I'm sorry to bother you I was just trying to find King Niall when I saw your door open." 

"Oh no need to apologize. Harry mentioned that you might stop by." She said ushering me into the room. 

"He did?" I asked shocked. She nodded her head. 

"I'll go get him." 

"Oh no I don't want to interrupt."

"It's fine it's why we're here after all." I let out a small laugh. 

"You can take a seat over there." I mumbled a small thank you and sat down on one of the chairs in the waiting area.

" Kristy, it's nice to see you." Harry told me coming into the room. 

"Sorry to bother you. I just happened to walk past your office...." 

"It's absolutely fine. Let's step in to my office why don't we." I nodded my head. I placed Violet's bag down then followed Harry into his office.

"So what seems to be the problem?" Harry asked me while washing his hands. 

"You probably heard by now, but.... I can't remember the past 12 years of my life." He nodded his head.

"So from the basic information that you just gave me I think I might have some answers that may help you get a better understanding of your situation." Harry told me. I instantly perked up at his comment.

"Well if I understood you correctly, I think that you may have been drugged." 

"Drugged?" I asked him.

"Well people don't just lose their memories from 12 years of their life. It's not common at least. But we will have to run some test to be sure. Maybe even find out what drug was used. if any." I nodded my head. 

"I'm willing to try anything if it helps." 

"Now this may work or not. But even if we find out it doesn't mean that you will be able to get your memories back." He truthfully told me. I nodded my head. 

"I know that but I at least would like to know why." 

"Okay, let's get started shall we." 


OH MY GOSH. I haven't updated in months, WOW. I am terrible. I am so sorry. I've been meaning to update but I just got stuck half way. I'm so sorry again. I hope you like the update. Don't forget to comment and vote. I love to hear feed back from you guys. 


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