Chapter 6

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~Previously on Forever & Always~

"Kris who was that?" I took Violet from his arms then took several steps back.

"Who are you?" 


Kristy's POV

"What are you taking about?" He asked me.

"Who are you?" I asked him again. 

"Why am I here?" I asked him. He sighed.

"I'm your fiance'."

"No you are not. You are not my fiance'. And you are definitely not Violet father. So I'll ask you again, who are you?" He tried to take a step closer to me but I just took a step back. 

"Do not come any closer or I will call the cops." I threatened him. 

"Kristy it's me." 

"This supposed accident." It wasn't an accident was it?" I asked as I took steps closer to the front door.  

"You lied to me. You made me think I was someone I wasn't. Who am I?" I asked. Matt didn't answer me a felt my anger rising ever more and I felt my hands become very hot. I looked down and saw that my free hand had a fire in it. 

"AHHHHH." I screamed and tried to shake it out of my hand. Once I some how got it back to normal I turned back to Matt.

"I want you out of the house in ten minutes or I will throw you out myself." I took off the ring and threw it at him.

"You could do that or I could give you the answers you want." He told me.

"And why would I believe anything you say after the lies you kept telling me for these past 3 months? Get out." I told him once again. He looked at me then to the door. 

"Fine i'll leave." He said then walked out of the house. I let out a breath of relief.

"Just you and me now." I held Violet closer to my chest. 

"I think it's time we call someone." I pulled out my phone and dialed the only number I could think of.



"Kristy? Is that you?" She asked me. 

"Yeah it's me." 

"Kristy, we have been worried sick about you. Are you okay? Where are you?"

"I'm fine. Just a bit confused." 

"Honey where are you? I'll come pick you up." My mother told me. I gave her my address then she hung up the phone. I started to pack some of my important belongings. I was looking threw my clothes when I felt something in the pocket. I pulled the object out of the pocket and looked at it. It was a ring. I saw the ring and read the writing on the inside. Forever & Always K+N 

I looked at it for sometime and I couldn't help but put the ring on. I wonder who N is? I heard a knock on the door and I went to open it. I opened the door and was instantly brought into someone's arms. 

"Kristy Elizabeth Chase how dare you get kidnapped without my permission." I smiled a little. 

"Mum?" She pulled away and looked at me. 

"Oh how insensitive of me. Are you okay? Any injures? How's baby?" 

"I'm fine. We're fine." 

"Good. Now let's hurry and get you out of here." She said inviting herself into the house.

"I'm almost done packing everything. Violet's all ready to go. She's sleeping in her car seat." 

"Okay I'll take her things to the car." She told me grabbing Violet's bag and leaving me alone to finish packing. I placed the last of my things in the bag and zipped it up. My mother came back just as I was ready to leave. 

"Let me take that." She said grabbing the bag from my hand letting me carry a sleeping Violet. Once we got to my mum's car I placed Violet in the backseat. 

"You ready to go?" She asked me.


~The Next Day~

"Morning sleepy head." 

"Morning dad." I said coming into the kitchen.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked me.

"For the most part yes. Violet was crying a little bit last night but she stopped at about 1." 

"Is she up right now?" My  mum asked me.

"No I fed her then she feel back asleep. She's a very calm baby."  

"Do you have a baby monitor to keep an eye on her?" My mother asked me. I nodded my head then showed her the monitor. 

"So how are doing with everything?" She asked me. 

"I'm fine. Just a bit confused." 

"Well if there is anything we can do to help don't be afraid to ask." I nodded my head. 

"It's just I feel as if somethings missing. Like why was it just those memories?" I asked. 

"Sometimes it's just how are body works." 

"What happened after we left?" I asked them. 

"Well we left to go visit your grandmother in the states." I nodded my head. I was going to ask another question but was cut off by Violet crying. 

"I'll be back." I told them picking up the baby monitor and headed back up the stairs to deal with Violet. 

"Hi sweetheart." I said then picked her up. 

"Come on grandma want's to see you." I told her. I grabbed her blanket and walked back down the stairs.

"I'll take her and you eat." My mum took Violet then pushed me down into a seat so I could eat.

"It's fine I can hold her." I tried to tell her.

"No you eat" She told me again. I sighed in defeat. 

"If you are interested Kristy you could go stay with your grandmother to see if it would be any help." My dad told me.

"Okay, I mean it's worth a shot." 

"Great you can go to your grandmother's while I watch baby."



"Oh fine. You can take her." My mum told me. 

"So where does she living now a days." 

"She has a job working for some kings." 

"Kings don't you mean king." 

"No I meant kings." 

"Okay. So where am I going?" I asked them.



She's back. Yea!!!!!! I hope you guys like this chapter. I made it a bit longer just for you. Also thank you for the support you guys are giving me it means a lot. Don't forget to comment and vote. And if you have any suggestions then you can tell me in the comments. 


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