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"Thanks for your assistance, Greil," Chrom's deep but strong voice says. He stands proudly next to his daughter.

"Those brigands acted strangely, Chrom. Be on the guard and we will be right around the corner. Remember that," Papa says, smiling and giving Chrom a brotherly hug.

Lucina seizes my hand and pulls me to the side. Ike follows. Her blue eyes holds apprehension as she looks at me. Mine are the same, spilling misperception as well as apprehension.

"Something feels wrong, Star. What happened?"

My eyes fill with dread once I start to think about it, "Myst was taken, Lucina. Ralf too,"

Lucina's eyes widen, "What? How—?"

"I don't know. A voice—" I pause and bizarre emotions fill me to the edge. Ike pulls himself closer to me, "A voice spoke to me out in the battlefield, Lucina,"

Lucina's eyes widen again and her mouth falls open, "What?"

"You did not tell me that, Hun!" Ike blurts softly. You could hear the worry intensify in their voices, "Who? Where? I will end them!"

Ike's right hand had wrapped around my stomach and I reach my right hand up to hold it, "It said, 'One actor does not belong on this stage,' and then it went silent. It must have been referring to me? But what does it mean?"

Lucina looks up into Ike's gaze for a moment before looking back into mine, the steeliness in them vanishes and is replaced with determination, "We will fight this together, Star. I will inform father,"

She reaches in for an embrace, then she pulls away, "Stay safe," She calls over her shoulder and turns to follow her father back to the castle with their Cavaliers.

"You too," I call back and then look up into Ike's gaze which is already on mine. They are soft and apprehensive, but still somehow sturdy and filled with strength. Mine are threatening defeat, but Ike's gaze holds them afloat.

The sun is setting and the sky is dimming with deep blues and purples.

"Come, we go home to rest now. Good work today," Greil announces, leading the way back. Myst stays next to her father and Ralf stays on Oscar's horse behind him. Ike and I fall into step next to Boyd and Oscar with Papa and Titania up front.

While looking into Ike's gaze just then, they tell me to not worry about that anymore and that I am safe now. So that flood of worry vanishes and I replace it with comfort that everyone is safe.

"Thank you for saving me, Star," Ralf says to me, with his wet eyes looking up into mine. He has a small smile on his lips. Oscar is riding in front of me on my left with Ralf beside me up on his horse.

TDMG: Two Brothers ⭐️ | COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now