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Featured: Bramble Blast

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Copyright © Nintendo


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I hold an unyielding look in my eye as I wait patiently for Papa to finish speaking to Titania. I hold the bottom of my bulging abdomen with one hand and rest the other hand on top. I had pulled my hood up over my head before I approached them just a few moments before.

Everything about those boys seem suspicious and lead me to believe something else is going on. How could they possibly know things happen before we do and how could he be that skilled with dark magic?

My next few thoughts alarm my emotion and cause me to widen my eyes and raise the hand resting on top of my abdomen up to my mouth in disbelief.

Wait... what if... oh this is not good. Those boys have to be—


I jerk my head up suddenly, being abruptly removed from my thoughts, and surprised to hear my full name. I see Papa's concerned face staring back at me.

"Something is distressing you," Papa says simply, but I can tell he is highly concerned.

I slowly approach him by several more steps and look up to his gaze. "It has been a long time since you have called me by my full name, Papa," I pause for a moment, "Remember that day I sparred with Donnie out in the field, after Merric practiced with me?"

Papa nods slowly, studying my face as I speak to him. "Yes,"

"The very day I figured out Donnie practiced dark magic... like me?"

Papa nods slowly again.

"Something Donnie said to me, has lead me down a path of thoughts... that leads me to believe he could possibly be a spy,"

Papa's eyes widen and he raises one of his eyebrows as I say the last part. "A spy? What on God's name did he say to trigger this, my dear?"

I focus my stare as I collect my thoughts that have been fluctuating around in my head ever since that day. "He said things to me making me believe he knows who I am and sounds as though I should know who he is. He was not surprised when I figured out he practices dark magic but looked worried when I asked him if he thought I was a fool. Why else would he immediately wish to spar with me? He must have been testing me, toying with me. I know he is stronger than me. What if Ronnie also holds this magic? I would not know because they have always hidden themselves from me. He used a magic spell to trick the eye which is how I figured it out. Furthermore, we were just informed about Sorcerer Vladimir joining up with King Walhart and is preparing to bring war down onto us. He used to be peaceful before this," I pause as I watch Papa absorb my words and analyze them. He quickly glances behind me, where I assume someone is back there listening. Must be Ike. I realize my voice was beginning to sound increasingly worried the more I spoke about my thoughts and was slowly increasing in volume.

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