t w e n t y - t h r e e

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Featured: Leon Karnak

Rune Factory 4

Copyright © Marvelous


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~3 years later

I carefully scan our surroundings slowly looking for any movements and listening intently for any sounds. I tighten my grip on Falchion's hilt in my left hand as my eyes dart around the camp boundaries. I look down to make sure everyone is okay and in position below me as I drift over the camp for getting a better viewpoint.

Titania is out front with her horse. Oscar and Ralf are out back, Oscar is mounted on his horse and Ralf is hidden behind him with his bow. Boyd is on one of the sides with his axe and little Merric. Ike is on the other side with older Lance while both are holding Ragnell. Papa must be inside with Myst and little Lance.

I move closer to Ike's position as he turns in my direction for getting a different view of the camp and he jumps mildly when he sees me. I notice Lance darts his head around towards me as well like he was also a bit startled. They keep my gaze for a short moment before turning back away from me towards the boundaries.

I dart my eyes towards the front once again. As soon as I sweep over Titania's position, my insides jump into my throat while Titania quickly darts her head and eyes towards the bushes when a small animal leaps from within it creating a lot of sudden noise. Her horse pushes up onto its hind legs and she has to quietly calm it down swiftly. She looks as though she also was startled by the noise because she watches the bushes for several moments longer before turning away back towards the boundaries.

As I continue watching further out beyond our boundaries, I feel my chest tighten as I study the area. It is very quiet.

Too quiet.

It has been just a couple of days since the last encounter with a small group of the Daein Forces. They seem to be stalking the entire kingdom with their hit and run tactics. Lucina informs us that the entire Castle Guard are on watch at all times. She has told us to do the same and monitor the area with caution.

We have been out here for hours now, watching, listening and waiting for if anything is going to happen. So far everything has been quiet and still. Like the eye of the storm.

We should probably keep watching. Looks like Titania wishes to speak to me.

I watch as Titania motions me to approach her. I begin to lower myself down from my perch above the camp and land on my feet in front of her up on her horse. She studies me for a short moment with a touch of nervousness in her emerald eyes as she darts them around behind me before falling onto my gaze, "See anything?"

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