t w e n t y - o n e

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Featured: Tears of the Elder Dragon

Rune Factory 4

Copyright © Marvelous

I love this tune from the game


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Merric's eyes fill with seriousness as he pulls himself away from my gaze on his, and up to Chrom, "So, Vladimir's purpose that last battle was not to attack me, but indirectly attacking Star, because he knew she would try to protect me?"

Merric looks away, "... Yes. As you know, the Dark Lord has been chasing my mother since she was a child. I have heard several things from her and my grandmother that it is normal if a dark magician gets attacked by the Dark Lord, even all of their life. Every time the Dark Lord tries again, they become stronger, learning from their previous attempts, hoping to finally become stronger than their target,"

Merric looks up and finds my gaze, "The Dark Lord knows he can use Daein to destroy Ylisse while searching for my mother. Ever since he found her, he has been using Daein to chip away, hoping to make everyone dear to her suffer before taking her power,"

I look away, holding away tears as I listen to his words and feel something bubble up within me. His words make sense. Everything that has happened prior their arrival and even after, all of those attacks on Lucina, Myst and the surrounding towns, were all planned to lure me out, attack and then pull away, hoping to land blows that hurt.

And I did not catch on. I let the Dark Lord do this to me. And I was about to fall for his trap to capture me and take me away forever, plundering my home into darkness.

I turn back towards him, a single tear defeats me and slides down my cheek, "So, I am not the only one who was lost...? The presence of Ragnell tells me this..." My voice comes out weak.

Merric slowly nods as he studies me, "So I lost to him. And Ylisse perished because of it," Merric's mouth opens slightly and sadness washes through his eyes, "I—I tried, but I was young then. When I figured out nothing I could do will help, I was devastated,"

I keep my gaze down as I feel Ike's presence beside me and Papa's strong grip on my shoulder, "I see. So it was more than just me you came back for... At first, before I knew who you were, I thought both of you hated me,"

Merric and Lance's eyes widen and I do not let them say anything yet by placing my hand up in front of them, "It was just the way you acted, the things you said and the actions you took. They just made me feel like you were against me. But I felt nothing negative towards me so I was conflicted and confused,"

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