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The next morning, the boys are sitting under the tree line along the field's edge talking to each other within the shadows. I am watching them from afar, pondering my thoughts.

Who are those boys? They show evidence of similarity to myself, but they cannot possibly be related to me at all, can they? Are they related to Chrom? Lucina maybe? Lucina is Chrom's only child. My father? I do not have any siblings, though, or cousins? Are they related to my mother perhaps?

As I continue watching them, they turn their heads towards one another and lift their hands around them as if they are discussing something important to them.

Wait... could they be my children? The things they said sounded like they were talking about a mother perhaps? No... that is not possible. They are 7 and 12 years younger than me. I am not old enough to be their mother and they seem bitter towards me. Would they really be bitter towards their mother whom they must have travelled back in time for? But only dark mages have the magic to time travel. Besides, they do not wield Falchion. Neither of them do, only silver swords. Furthermore, time travel spells are extremely complex and require high skill. My children would have Falchion, though... unless Falchion did not choose them? That must be highly unlikely.

I break my gaze and look up toward the sky.

What a strange thought. Why would I suspect them to be my children, anyway? What is wrong with me? Of course they are not. I would have raised them better than that. This is ridiculous, enough of this.

I lower my gaze back to them.

They must be related to Chrom from this time. That has to be it. He must have sent them here to join Papa. Relatives of Lucina perhaps? Her mother's side possibly? This would explain why they do not have Falchion, because Lucina has it. Besides, wouldn't they tell me they are my children, if they were? They are hiding themselves from me. They cannot possibly know who I am because I am from another time. That must be why they hide themselves. They act nervous or shy so maybe that is the reason why they are hiding. They seem to be heartbroken for some reason. Maybe they do not wish to get close to anyone else...

I break my gaze from them once more, looking across the field where Boyd and Oscar are practicing with the wooden weapons.

That must be difficult to deal with. I wish they would speak to me. But I should not pry them if they do not wish to.

I slowly stand and enter the back door I am sitting next to and enter the keep. I approach my room to enter it and close the door. I change out of my sleepwear and into my long black gown of red trim with the long open sleeves and pull over my black cloak and hood but keep the hood down over my shoulders. I wrap my apron around me, tying it around my back, and leave my room to find Titania in the kitchen.

TDMG: Two Brothers ⭐️ | COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now