The "Sleepover" | 7

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Because of the pain I felt through my whole body, I couldn't move. I told my parents that I would stay at Haru's, and they said yes.

After a few hours, Nagisa and Makoto left.

I slept a few minutes after we said our farewells.

"You four. You four..are nothing more than an obstacle I have to beat and get over."

Did he really mean that?

"WAIT!" I shout as I sat up and opened my eyes. I was panting and I felt so scared.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" Haru says in his pajamas moving closer to me.

"You were having a nightmare." He told me.

I held my neck lightly, glad it was all a dream. I breathe out a sigh of relief.

"It was about Rin, wasn't it?" Haru says, looking into my (e/c) eyes.

"Y-yeah.." I told him.

"I've been having a few nightmares about him too."

"S-sorry to wake you, Haru." I apologize to Haru.


"Um..(Y/N), I have an idea, although you might not like it.." Haru says, avoiding eye contact.

"What is it? Just tell me." I tell him.

"If we sleep on the same bed, It'll lower the probability of more nightmares. The presence of another human will probably help us sleep, because we feel safer."

Haru says with a monotonous voice, and a blank look on his face.

"O-oh? That's it? Hah, fine then." I say trying to sound proud, but I was honestly flustered-


"Right." I say out loud, as I carried my pillow and walked to Haru's room.

"Haru? Can I please come in?" I ask him through the door.

"Yeah. Come in." He says.

I turn the doorknob and open the door, as I walked inside, I examined the room.

"Pardon the intrusion." I say as I look around his room.

The colors, or should I say color was simple. Almost the whole room was blue.

There were books on the shelves and he had a little table too. But as my eyes were lingering around, I caught a book under Haru's bed.

"Eh?? What is this?~" I say as I kneel down reaching for the book.

"Don't touch that!" Haru says, slightly blushing.

No..he seems like the type of person who wouldn't..but..what if he does?

"Haru, it's natural. There's no need to be shy-"

"(Y/N)! Don't touch it!" Haru scolds me, standing up on the floor.

I then place a hand over the book and give Haru a grin.

I lift the book up and was about to open it.

"Okay~ Let's explore-"

"(Y/N)! Don't!" Haru says as he grabs the book off of my hands and walks away from me a little.

"Now you've done it..I NEED TO KNOW WHAT IS IN THAT BOOK!"

I say, running to him and giving him a tackle. We both fall down the floor, me on top of him.

"Give me the book, HARU!" I say, trying to pull the book out of his grasp.

"No! Please, (Y/N), stop!" Haru says, still holding the book.

"Like hell. Gimme the book, Haru!! It'll be quick!" I reason with him as I tightened my hold and pulled stronger.

"No!" He says as he still stays his ground. He then touches my waist, hoping to push me off.

"Ahh..! H-Haru.."

I say out loud with my eyes closed as I felt my face heat up. My skin was sensitive when it came to human touch, and my waist was where I was most ticklish.

"Huh?" He says, still wondering what's wrong. He then sees his hand holding my waist tightly and takes it off immediately.

"S-Sorry..I didn't mean to.." Haru explained.

I saw that the book was out of his grasp, so I took it, and opened it without giving him time to react.

"Just..what the hell is this?!" I scream out.

"A book about spring..pools, it has a dvd and-"

I cut Haru off. "I know that! I was..just expecting something different." I say, placing the book on the floor.

"Different? Then, (Y/N), this is different from the one that was natural?" Haru asks me.

"OF COURSE! This is not normal! Gosh there's nothing to be ashamed about this.."
I told him. I made myself look like an idiot in front of my rival.

"I actually thought I could throw some dirt on you..I just ended up looking like an idiot. It was a waste of time." I stated out loud.

"What did you think I was hiding, (Y/N)?"

Haru asks me, his eyebrows confused and a little worried.

"E-eh?! N...Nothing important." I told him, avoiding any eye contact.

"That's not fair. You got to find out about the book. I deserve something." Haru says, a small hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Whatever. I'm hard to break! There's no way you could get me to give you the answe- Ahhh..!! Wait..! Hahaha, wait..!"

Haru then started to poke and tickle my sides. He used the knowledge he earned a while ago to his advantage.

*Haru's POV*

I kept poking (Y/N) and made sure I would push her to the point where she couldn't take any more.

"Haru..! That..that's enough..! Hahaha..OI! Stop!!" (Y/N) started giggling a lot, her face completely red and her eyes shut.

She is at my mercy.

"Do you want me to stop?" I ask her, though already knowing the answer.

"Y..yes..! Hahaha..please..ahaha!!" (Y/N) says as she tries to stop her laughing.

"Fine. Tell me what you thought I was hiding." I tell her, looking at her eyes.

She grabbed my collar, her grip was weak.

"Never..! Haha..I won't..hahahaha.."

She tells me with her eyes full of determination.

"Understood. Then you're never getting sleep tonight." I tell her. Teasing her was fun. Her reactions were cute and priceless.

"You..haha..dirty little...hahaha..rival.." She says.

"F-fine! Stop already."

I stop tickling her and sit down properly, waiting patiently for her reply.

"I were hiding...mhorn." She says looking away.

"Mhorn?" I ask her.

"P-porn.. I had that under your bed." She says, blushing.

What's porn..?

"Um, well it's okay, (Y/N)." I tell her.

I stood up and offered her a hand.

"C'mon, let's sleep." I say. She looks away for a second, but accepts my hand.

We both lay on the bed, laying on opposite sides.

I had fun.

I want to do this again for some reason.

"Goodnight, Haru." I hear her say from my left side.


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