Realizing | 11

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"Why can't I swim?!?!?!" Rei shouts loudly after he emerges from the water and fails for the 3rd time.

"C'mon Rei, 4th time's a-"

"(L/N)-senpai you also said that when I tried last time!!!" Rei shouts, frustrated. 

"Hahahaha..." (Y/N) says with an awkward laugh.

Suddenly, a vibration and ringtone rings from a distance. You get out of the pool and walk to the bag, wiping your hands with a small towel.

"Hello?" You ask.

"Hey, (Y/N). Did you forget something?"

"Big bro!" You gasp happily. "No, I don't think so..?"

"Aw, I feel hurt. Today's the day." He says with a firm, yet sad tone.

"It's..oh no.." You start. "I didn't mean to forget! Can I please see you?"

You hear him smiling from the other line.

"Alright, I'm right outside Iwatobi." He says happily.

"What? How did you get here so fast?!" You ask him a little loud, which makes all the other boys turn to you.

"Well, I'm smart. I knew you'd like to see me off." He says proudly. Normally, you would argue with him, but now you just didn't want him to slip away.

"I'll be there in a sec!" You say hurriedly as you grab your bag and head to the changing room.

"(Y/N)? Is something wrong?" Makoto asks with a motherly tone as you opened the door.

"No, it's brother's leaving. So, is it okay if I-"

"It is." Makoto answers immediately, giving you a sweet smile.

"Thank you so much." You say with an equally sweet smile as his.

As you were changing, Haru was asking Makoto what was going on.

"Do you think her brother told her?" Haru asks, his tone clearly pissed.

"Haru, that was years ago. Does it really bother you that much?" Makoto asks with his eyebrows furrowed.

Haru looks away.

"Not really." Haru says, his monotone voice trying to sound emotionless, but Makoto knew he was lying. 


You quickly run out of the school and see the (f/c) car. You see your brother's hair blowing dramatically against the wind, his eyes lost in thought.

Should I tell her?  He thinks. 

It was years ago, no big deal, right?

"Big brother!" You say, running over to him while your shoulder bag bounces up and down.

"Took you long enough." He says as you approach him, and he ruffles your (h/c).

"When's your flight?" You ask him, your tone suddenly less cheerful.

He smiles at you, trying to lighten the mood.
"It's tonight. We still have a few hours." He says as he grabs the keys from his pocket. 

"So get in, slowpoke."


You made sure the drive was really lively. You asked him about everything, like where he'd live, what he would eat, and the type of people he would meet.

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