*Chapter 1*

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~ Eren POV ~

My life has never been easy it's just one thing after another; first my mum dies of a car accident, which I'm blamed for, then my older sister leave's me for what I've done, and my dad takes all his anger out on me. Though I don't fight back knowing I deserve every hit I get. It was all my fault my mum died, all my fault that I made her angry, all my fault.

Mum died two years ago when I was thirteen it happened when I dropped a plate while washing up. She got frustrated and cut herself on some of the broken plate and after getting so whined up, over such a little thing, and she stormed off out the house with no "goodbyes" or "I love you's". 

She just left.

Within the next hour my dad was getting a call from A & E and all hell broke loose. No one was the same after that. Mikasa, my sister, left and moved out with one of her friends in a town a few miles away while dad keeps me locked up in my room and only lets me out whether he want's something or I have to go school.

I awoke at the irritating beeping noise of my alarm and slam my hand on top of it stopping the ear aching noise. Groaning I pull myself to a sitting position and hang my legs over the side of my bed. Within seconds my phone, which is being charged at the over side of the room starts vibrating.

Legs aching and my body begging me to go back to bed I force myself to stand. Once I reach my phone I unlock it to see a variety of notifications of people from school pointing out the obvious fact that I'm "Gay" as Levi says and "Should die" Which is said by most people in my class.

Letting out a long sigh I stroll over to my chest of draws where I put my school uniform on top along with a large mirror hanging off the wall above where I get a clear view of all my scars and bruises I have been given by my dad and Levi.

My brown hair hangs over my moss green eyes hiding them hoping it'd stop people from calling me a "Big Eyed Freak", but it didn't.

I quickly slide on my clothes as I hear my door lock click open and dad march off back into his bedroom. Grabbing my phone and school bag I check the time which is now half seven which only gives my half an hour to get there.

Since my dad doesn't pay for a bus I have to walk through a load of muddy fields which never makes me look good and I'm now known as the class tramp though it would normally take me forty five minutes to get there so if I didn't get going now I'd be in big trouble.

Once I reach the school gates I noticed no sign of any pupils and I instantly began panicking. I pull out my phone trying to catch my breath to see the time fifteen minutes past eight, great!

During the school day I was given filthy looks from both the students and teachers as they made me change into the school's PE kit for not looking 'respectable'. I was given numerous of detentions for either not doing my homework, which Petra, Levi's girlfriends, was meant to let me know about and for coming to school late.

After my lesson's of Art and French came break where I fortunately spent my time in Miss June, the french teacher's classroom for no homework. It quickly went from Religious Education to I.C.T, the worst lesson.

Mr Green gave us a speech and text books of what to do until another teacher knocked and entered whispering something to him as his face turned pale and he looked towards the class.

"Right Eren," I gulped as he spoke my name. "I want you to read to the class the paragraph off page 134 I'll be back in five minutes and I want you all on your best behavior."

I hesitated before nodding as he left the class. Staring down at the book, I know it's pointless as no one would listen, so instead I lean on the table so my head was rested in my arms until something sharp hits the back of my neck. A pencil.

I place my hand on top of my now bleeding neck, everyone crying out in laughter, and turn to see Levi stood tall and strong in front of me, with an emotionless face.

My eyes widened when he grip a hold of my tie and yanks it making it tighten around my neck. I gasp for breath. Getting pulled along with his pull I notice I'm now in a kneeling position.

"Know this is your place you tramp! You'll always kneel before me!" I flinched as he was about to throw a kick at me until Erwin, Levi's 'wing man' as he calls him shouted out that the teacher was coming and everyone scurried back to their places and pretended like nothing happened.

Lunch came within minutes as I only hoped someone had given me a dentition, I walk down the school corridor to be blocked off by Erwin and his other mate Jean.

Erwin has blond short hair but the biggest eyebrows I've ever seen as for Jean he has ash brown hair and both are way taller then me.

"Hey know nothing!" Jean shouts over at me "Levi wants you." I stop in make tracks and quickly spin around and sped off in the opposite direction but before I could make a run for it a rough, hard hand griped my shoulder and pushed me forcing me to turn face to face with Jean. 

"Don't think so!" But to my luck my savior came and saved my day, well this part of it, the bell. "Tsk....After school, bike racks!" He shoved me against the wall and punch me in the stomach making me hunch forwards for breath. 

"You will be there, right?" As much as I wanted to answer with a 'no' I knew it was a order so I give a small nod as he releases me and walks off with a bored looking Erwin.

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