*Chapter 12*

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~ Eren's POV ~

The movie was good, yes but my eyes were mostly on Levi. Questions like;

'Why is he helping me?'

'Is this a trick?'

'Why am I so trustworthy?'

Running through my head yet I couldn't think of an answer. Once the male, Jake or whatever was turned into the weird green things, avatars I turned back to face Levi but was met with a sleeping face.

Observing the peaceful, cute looking sleeping face I leaned over a pulled off a blanket, which was hung over the sofa's arm and wrapped it around Levi.

That's when I noticed the awkward position he was in, so sighing, I got up and careful moved him to a laying down position (Him no taking up the whole sofa) and re-wrapped the blue knitted blanket around him.

I stayed watching him quietly for around ten minutes. With the sun kissing his skin thru the curtains, the reflecting light of blue from the t.v screen hitting his arms and soft, adorable snores from his lips I watched transfixed on the little movements of his twitching nose. 

I reached out to stroke his hair, my hand aching for a touch until I got a frightful scare of my phone vibrating on the coffee table. Huffing in annoyance at not being able to watch Levi longer-

'Wow I sound creepy'

-I hobbled over to my flashing phone.

Father is calling : Accept or Decline

Panic rushed through me, I could answer and hope for the best or decline it but was I strong enough to do that? No. So placing the phone back down I left it.

'Maybe he'll leave a voicemail?'

And he did just that.

"Eren?" He spoke quietly, sober "I know you can hear this so I want you to hear me out" Sobbing and things moving was heard in the background "I love you, I really do" My breath got caught up in my throat "and I'm sorry for everything, I wasn't thinking straight and-and I know you'll never forgive me for what a horrid father I've been" I crying got louder, him losing breath "Just come home. Please. I need you, no one else but you please I'm begging you"

I couldn't stand around and listen to it anymore so re-picking up my phone I pressed accept and placing it to my ear.

"D-dad?" The name, his true title rolled off my lips as a gasp came from the other end of the phone.

"Oh my gosh! I thought something bad happened I was so worried!" Tears spilled out of my own eyes at his words "Come home son please! I'm begging you!"

"O-OK" My voice was dry, my head hurting..

'Was I being played?'

But either way I knew standing around wasn't going to help me find out anything. Hanging up I dropped to my knees, hand tugging at my head while quiet sobs came out.

"He wants me" I said in disbelief "H-he loves me" I choked out. Smiling to myself I stood back up staring dumbfounded at my phone "I'm coming home dad" I whispered out to no one but myself.

Once out of my dazed feeling I looked back over at Levi, still asleep on the couch.

"Thank you, for everything" I tell him "Thank you so much" Leaning down to his sleeping figure I gently kissed his forehead "Thank you so, so much" Another tear fell from my eye this one not of sadness but of of joy and gratefulness as it hit Levi's forehead "Goodbye"

Pulling the covers up just a bit further I place a letter, written by me for him on the table. 

One last glance at the one who saved me yet again once hurt me I step out of Hanji's house to be met with a cold breeze which stayed with my on my journey home.

The sky was pure white followed with distant black dots of raven's falling through the sky diving down when they spotted their prey. I watched fantasies when another bird, a seagull, flew towards them as they had a dance off in the sky for there spot. 

When one raven clashed right into it's friend they both came falling down but bewitched by the seagulls next move with always be with me.

Even though this seagull was no of there friends, a outcast, a 'freak', an enemy I still dived forwards to help the enemy even when no one else went to help.

It reminded me of Levi. Levi as the raven and me the seagull. We are both truly different. For me I know that's true but when times were hard for me he still stepped forwards and gave me a hand. It might not be a wing but it sure is something I gratefully took.

'Thank you Levi'

Without even noticing how the time had flied past I reach my front door. The door I was both happy and cautious to see. But I didn't have to see it no more when it was yanked open by my father. 

His brown hair tied in a pony-tail. Black track bottoms along with a white respectable shirt he stared down at me, a smile forming on his cheeks.

No eyes were red or puffy to show he'd been crying and no true happiness was the be seen when he looked down at me just pure excitement.


"Someone took their time getting here didn't they?" He states me flabbergasted by his reaction in me coming home "Now do you care in acknowledging me in where you've been?"

"I-I was at-"

"Enough!" He gave me a disgusted look before smirking to himself "Eld! He came"

'Eld? Why does that sound so familiar? Eld? Eld? ELD!?'

I glare at him in total shock. "Oh what's with the long face boy?" He laughs out as a man with blond hair, the same man from last night appeared before me "You've got what you wanted, now leave" My father ordered giving me one last look before snorting and pushing Eld out the door and slamming it shut.

"Come boy, Kenny's waiting for you" My feet were glued to my ground, my eyes unable to blink, my mouth unable to speak as the man before me sighed "Fuck-sake did you not just hear me? Move it!"

He reached out for me as I quickly smacked his hand away as if swatting a fly and jumped backwards spinning around to run away. 

I guess he knew what I was doing as a white cloth came over my mouth, the chemicals on the fabric going into my systems. 

Coughing and gasping for breath I struggled in his grip, him launching me over his back like it was nothing and walking towards a black Audi awaiting for me. 

My arms, legs, body began feeling numb, the chemicals taking effect. My breath slowing down, eyelids crying for me to close them as a tear slipped my cheeks.

'Levi' My body, my mind, my mouth cried out as a raven haired figure walked to my father's house from the distance, my body being thrown like rubbish into the car. 

And with all doors slamming shut the car sped off. The man, Eld, eye's watching, scanning me as if I was meat until the unpleasant darkness wrapped itself around me taking me away from Eld's haunting, evil face.

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