*Chapter 8*

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~ Eren POV ~

Once finished cleaning myself off I hopped into my clothes of a black baggy shirt and grey tight three quarter length jeans before sprinting across the hallway and back into my room where I shoved on some shoes knotted my laces together.

Flash backs of my family came to mind as images of my once loving mother and sister smiling down at me brought more tears into my sore eyes.

"I-I'm sorry" I whispered to no one but myself, but to say who would listen?

Gritting my teeth I push myself of my bed, taking in a deep breath before looking down at a picture before me.

The picture was one from my birthday, my fifth to be exact and it has me and my sister at front with my mother and father kissing in the background.

Smiling at the loved memory's of my past I turn away, taking one last glance at it, before leaving my room down stairs.

I know what you're thinking but no, I'm not coming down here becuase told so I'm simply coming down here as the only exit is by the front door, the back door always locked with no key.

A brown haired man was passed out leaning against the hallway as another wobbled towards me but I ducked in time to escape his grip.

There was another man passed out on the sofa, his beer emptying itself in his face as he chokes on what enters his mouth now and then. So far I had counted three men which meant two along with my father was somewhere in this house.

Side stepping around the sofa I made my way through the dining to to come to a halt when I heard laughing in the next room, the kitchen, the room I needed to enter in.

Peering around, slowly not wanting to be seen I saw all three of the men, shots out in front of them.

My father had his back to me struggling to stand as a blonde haired man and the raven haired man from earlier were watching him, not as drunk, laughing.

"So how was he?" My father drunkenly asked head rocking back and forth.

"He's a good one indeed" The raven answered, smirking.

"So you'll be taking him?" Father reached over the table where the blonde muscular man handed him a yellow shot. My father taking it all in one gulp before cringing at the strong taste.

"All saying, how much?" The raven asked.

'What are they talking about? How do I get out?'

Looking over behind the ravened haired man was the welcoming door just asking for me to go through it.

"Two fifty" The man, Kenny, raised an eyebrow. "Fine. Two"

"Done" Kenny says shaking my father's shaking hand. "When is he for the taking?"

"Oh hell with it" Father says aloud standing, eyes widening at how drunk he is, and turns, his side facing me. "As soon as possible"

"Are you sure Grisha? He is your son after all" Shock was all that flew over me as my father threw a glass at the man with his terrible aim making it miss. "Wow, calm it we were just offering you to say your goodbyes"

"He is no son on mine, take him and leave this instant" Kenny nodding quickly, ushered the blonde man, now stood besides him, to follow.

'Shit. Son. Thats me. They're coming for me!?'

Back pressed against wall, breath held in, I heard the footsteps creepily coming closer to me both stopping just under the door frame besides me.

"Your money will be given in the maximum of three days, he's under good care" A grunt came from my father as a sign of acknowledgement as the raven began walking once again, this time right past me. "Eld" The blonde man hummed "I have no energy for a stubborn child, though he should be incapable of moving" Eld nodded for him to go on as they came to the stairs "So if you do me some help"

"Of course Kenny" spoke, not sounding drunk one bit. "What a father"

"Couldn't blame him, kids these days should show respect to their elders" Eld let out a chuckle to his comment before, still not seeing me, made there way up stairs.

Peeking back around I say my father now himself passed out on a kitchen chair, face squashed on table, dribble dripping from the corner of his mouth.


Was all I thought, well all I was able to think when I heard a loud thump coming from upstairs signalling me that it was my time to leave.

Yawning, I ran, giving one last glance at dad, to the front door where I pelted out of the house down the street.

On my run I was left with the voices of both Eld and Kenny following me telling me things like 'You'll never escape' - 'Come back here you worthless peice of shit' and 'You can run but you can't hide'.

'I'm not planning on hiding dickheads, I planning something much better'

I had run for to say ten minutes before I got lost in my own tracks. Yes I said I knew this place but with adrenalining giving me energy I couldn't think straight of where I was wanting to go.

Still running, breathless, chest aching I lean against an alley ways wall just from the town square. 

Distant bells were heard as I attempted to could then but the noise of traffic put me off. I have no idea where I'm meant to go from here nor do I know why I'm still even here so I regain my balance and make my way down the alley way where I'd reach my final destination. 

The maria's bridge.

But no. Life was not that nice to me. My life didn't let me choose for myself. So instead I was cut off by the entrance of none other then Levi and his 'gang'.

Spinning around I walk on ahead, in no mood to deal with these threats.

"Oi, Jaeger"  

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