*Chapter 7*

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(Warning: Rape involved, if you don't want to read - don't. It will not confuse you with the rest of the story as you get the main idea, just skip to the next chapter. Don't say I didn't warn you) ~Rmellis~


~ No one's POV ~

Eren took a shaky step back as a evil smirk came upon the man's lips.

"What's wrong boy?" the man said with a hint of sarcasm "Seen a ghost" Standing straight the no-named black haired man looked side to side before back down to the boy "It's alright I'll protect you~"

The beer bottle in his right hand slid from his grip and fell to the ground, moving the boy's eyes from the man to the yet again another shattered glass. Before the boy's eyes would stray further from the man's the man stepped forwards, Eren backing away at the same time. 

A growl escaped the man's lips as he grabbed the boy's wrist dragging the unwilling petrified boy to the closest room, his room.

"N-no p-please stop" Eren cried out digging his heels into the floor hoping to hold the man back but only ended up having the man tighten his grip. "N-no!"

Throwing the boy onto the bed the man hovered over him, his hand wrapping around the boys brown locks holding his head down. Eye's not leaving one another's Eren's hands searched around his bed for anything which could be used as a weapon only to find his shirt. Taking hold of it, tears falling from his eyes, he whipped the man's face, the button catching the man's ears as he yelled from the shock of what happened more then the pain.

"You" Removing the shirt forcefully from the boys hold he threw it, along with anything else, off the bed before returning his attention to the panicked boy. "Delightful"

Cursed words flew out of of Eren's mouth only to turn into a horrified scream as the man's hand slipped up his shirt, feeling the boy all over, from his abs, to chest, to neck where he leant forwards and licked over the boy sensitive skin.

"P-ple-please" I boy begged, trembling under the man's touch.

Ignoring the boys pleads the man began sucking the boy's neck leaving hickeys where he didn't before. 

Small moans escaped the boy's lips but soon turned back into helpless cries as the man pinned the boy's arms above his head with on hand and the other fiddled with throwing off the boys towel leaving him bare under the strange man.

Soon bored of the boy's neck he bit down in it, enough for blood to rise out of the skin and fall down the neck where the man licked it clean. 

Humming to the irony taste of the boys blood the man fiddled with his own jeans letting them fall down to the ankles, his eyes never leaving the boys scrunched up, terrified face.

"Hush" He said dropping his boxes before spreading the boys frozen legs and readying himself at the boy's entrance. "Let me hear you" He said, a hand slowly pumping away at his own now hard cock, into the boy's ear.

The boy, eyeing the man's throbbing cock, shook his head pleading once again knowing there was no way It'd fit.

"Help" Eren cried between breaths "Hel-Ah!"

"Shit kid, tight" He gasped "Relax" The elder man groans, entering slowly into the boys now sore entrance, going all the way in before coming to a stop.

"N-no It hurts, It hurts" Eren cried, his back side burning at the feeling of it tearing open, arms pushing forwards trying, failing, to get out of the man's grip. "Ge-get it out. Get it out" His pleads did nothing but please the still drunken man as he smiled down at the defenseless boy.

Before more could come out of the boy the man pulled out, not all the way but enough to make the boy think it was over, that was until he rammed back in with no empathy for the screams, choking on Eren's own cries. 

Throwing his head back, back arching, Eren's cock disowned his own body by coming hard as the man pulled in and out.

His breath hitching, sweat falling like rain from his forehead, the naked Eren squeezed shut his eyes, hands clenching into fists, along with his mouth not wanting to give the man what he was that was until the man slapped the boys face.

"You will moan for me, cry for me, shout my name"

Eren kept his mouth shut not just because he didn't even know the man's name but he didn't want to give the man pleasure. So instead he held in a breath and relaxed his body which had no more strength to fight back.

"Good..boy" The man gasped between his own moans.

The bed hit the wall with their rocking bodies movements as their skin slapped against one another's in time, whimpers escaping the boy's lips now and then. With the man's stomach coming into a knot. He grabbed hold of the boys neglected cock pumping it in time with each thrust making the boy's breath speed up.

"Say...my...name...when...you...ugh...come" He says through gritted teeth before leaning down, his breath hitting Eren's ear "Ken-Kenny"

Eren couldn't holding it in anymore, head pushing deeper into the bed, a high pitched scream coming from his dry lips he screamed the man's name "Kenny!" as his own cum sprayed up his bare, rising and falling, chest.

With that the man carried on thrusting, twice as fast, the boy's body bouncing at his thrusts, as the boy's walls closed in on the man's cock making him climax during the boys still ongoing orgasm. 

Once done the man pulled out, heavy breathing, and batted the boys dead legs away moving back from the exhausted, naked boy.

"Remember..me" He spoke aloud, pulling back up his boxers and trousers before leaving the very tired boy.

Left in his own word the boy moved his aching hands to his sides tiredly pushing himself up to a sitting position, wincing as he did so, to then stand.

"Shit" He whispered as he bent down, picking up his clothes and walking, tiredly back into the shower where he turned on the sinks tap. Using a flannel he dabbed it against his sore, lower region, and whipped all the sticky cum from hi stomach. "Why" Tears left his eyes now as a sudden thought hit him;

'Why do I do this to myself? Why do I let this happen to me'

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