*Chapter 3*

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~ Levi POV ~

"You're late!" I drop my head looking down at the all so wonderful floor "Farlan, Isabel" My eyes never left the floor. "Go to your rooms and you.." I can only gulp for what's next to come.

"Dad-" Oh how much I didn't call him that.

"Don't you dare speak to me as your dad, I am no such thing!"

"I'm sor-" But it was too late. Cupping my now sore, bright red cheek and look down at the floor. "I'm sorry sir" Though I knew my apology meant nothing to him as another hit went to my other cheek which I wasn't covering.

"Get your sorry ass to bed, now!" I followed the directions of his pointing finger, dogding his eye view and curved past him, slamming the door shut, to my room.

This was not something new it's been like this for the past three years after my mother's passing away. My mum died of lung cancer, me at the age of thirteen, and have lived with my dad ever since.

It'd only been six months after my mum's death that he re-married to a woman he'd already been dating. I was and still am disgusted to think of all them times my mum and dad told each other; I love you and my father was sneaking off somewhere else and saying it to a different woman. 

The new woman, my new mum, my step-mum already had two kids, my age, Isabel and Farlan. My step-mum works in another town at a boarding school and comes home now and then but doesn't think much of me, though to say neither do I.

Right now I laid out on my warm cozy bed, staring up at the ceiling with my right hand cupping my now swallow left cheek.

It's all that brunette boy's fault my father punished me, all his fault making me hurt him, all my fault for hurting him. Hold up. 

'It's not my fault none of this is my fault it's all his, but why?' 

Images of the tanned brunette come before me as I can see him smiling down at me. The smiles fake. I've never seen him smile, I hardly ever see his face by the way his head always drops when he see's us, me.

'I wonder what his smiles like? I can imagine shining white teeth, dimples on either side along with his pink, puffy kissable....stop'.

Rolling to my side I shake off any thought of the boy, who am I kidding now that I don't want to think of him he's the only one I can think of. Groaning I push myself up to a sitting position, my face buried in my hands, elbows balancing the wait of my hands on my knees. 

'I wonder what he's doing? If he's having the time of his life with his family, does he take them for granted? Do he have what I so wish I did? Brat.'

I was pulled out my thoughts when soft knocks came to my bedroom door and it slowly opens revealing a tired Farlan.

"Here" Chucking over a chocolate bar he lets out a quiet yawn stretching his arms. "Isabel's already in bed, you alright?"

"I'm fine, what's the time?" I asked quite shocked. "It's not time for bed yet is it?"

"No-no it's only half five but she had double P.E today so that probably knackered her out.  Anyhow, I'm gonna get ready for bed myself"

"More like stay up all night skyping Jean" I winked over at him only for him to groan.

"Whatever, see you in the morning"

"Yeah cheers I'm gonna head out now anyway"

"Oh right where to?"

"I'm not sure yet" He nodded and left the room, leaving my door wide open which I was thankful for.

Puffing up my pillow and covers making it look some what like I was in bed I waited till all was quiet in the house before sneaking down the hallway, running as quiet as I could pass my father's room and made my way to the front door.

Reaching for the front door's handle, I open, as careful as possible to make no noise, the front door and slipped through the small gap before shutting it behind me. 

Letting out a sigh of relief for not being caught I made my way down the narrow path way, at the side of my house, to the town's park.

It was dark out, even though it was only half five, but I didn't care. The moon was alone in the star-less sky but the street lights did there job of enabling me to see my way.

You could hear the ever so quiet rustling of the bushes ever side of me along with bird feet hopping from branch to branch.

I love the darkness more than the light as you didn't have to worry about being caught as for the day time you can only hope the shadows to hide you from the world.

I like the way that no matter how dark it is I can always see even if it's only the outline of things, I can still see.

I heard the rattling of chains and a muffled up cry but took no note of it for I had no reason to care. Strolling over through the soggy grass of the play field I lean't myself against the play wall letting out a small, quite yawn.

As ready for bed as I am now I'm not planning on going back just yet I'd rather wait till fathers out cold before trying to sneak through house again. So I lay my head back to the wall with one foot up against it breathing in the cold, night air looking up at the ever so bright moon.

"I think we should go" The voice was familiar at the other side of the wall as the last rattling of chains were heard. "Come"

"Erwin?" I whispered to myself.

I'd known Erwin since primary and he along with Hanji have always been there but what was he doing at Maria's Park?

I heard a muffled cry along with a small group of laughing until dark fingers ran off into the night. 

Peering around the side of the wall I saw something which made me both want to laugh and cry.

The brunette, Eren Jaeger, had his hands tied around the top of the park's old grey goal post kneeling, just barely, with the ankles also tied together.

He had a gag to muffle his cries of help and tears flooded down his cheek. Seeing him like this made a shiver run up my spine but I shake off the goose pimples running up my bare arms believing and telling myself it was just the cold breeze.

As much as I wanted to laugh at the sight of how prophetic he looked I also felt the need to help him, protect him but I know I can't protect him when I'm the one hurting him.

Sighing I turn my back to the helpless boy and walk away.

'He's just a waste of my time'. 

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