*Chapter 6*

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~ Eren's POV ~

'So bright'

I thought to myself as my whole body ached. My head turning, attempting to hide myself from the light as footsteps are heard running up beside me instantly making my eyes open.

"You're awake" A girl shouted as I turned my head to the right to be met with a chirpy Hanji.

'Wait Hanji?'

That's when panic came making me sit bolt upright. I wasn't in my house nor was I at the park wait, park! Image's of last night came through my head as tears filled my eyes.

"Hey, hey Eren?" Hanji shouts kneeling besides the sofa in which I'm sat upon. "What's wrong?"

Ignoring her I stand, her standing as well, and search my surrounding in case there was to be any sighting of anyone else, which there wasn't - luckily, and look back over at Hanji who's face is one of worry and concern.

"Um...Thank you" I say bowing my head before turning away "I'll be on my way"

I couldn't even take a step before she gripped hold of my arm "Wait" Turning back I give her a confused look only for her to release me from her grip "It doesn't matter"

Nodding confusedly I ask her, "Could I have the time?"

With a face of shock she took out her phone from here school blazer before turning it back off and looking up at me.

"It's seven thirty" I gulp.

'I'm going to be killed'

"Hey Eren" I come out of my thoughts and look back up to her "Aren't you even going to ask how you got here"

"Well?" The time came back to mind "I'll ask you soon, I-I need to be somewhere"

"Okay? You alright going home yourself? My parents will be back in an hour or two or you can catch the bus with me seeing as you're already in your school uniform?" I looked down at my filthy, muddy uniform.

'Just great, I really am ugly'

"Earth to Eren-" I cut her off mid way, her shaking her hands before my eyes.

"I'm sorry, thanks again for um...?" I don't know why I'm thanking her so I quickly forget about it. "Well thanks but I really need to be off"

She nodded suspiciously as I walked towards the door only to be stopped once again by her; "Hold up, Levi brought me this, said you dropped it?" She says handing me over my phone "I charged it for you last night using a spare charger, if that's alright?" I nod "Well that's all"

Still taken back by the fact she spoke of 'Levi' during the conversation I peer down at my phone and reluctantly turn it on. 

Oh if words could kill they would, before scrolling down to look at the newest message I gave a weak smile and 'thank you' to Hanji before leaving. 

The minute the morning breath hit me I looked down at my phone; 10 missed calls 5 new messages.

Father (6:20am) - Where the fuck are you? Get your ass over here now!

Father (6:40am) - You have five minutes boy, don't mess with me!

Father (7:00am) - Little fucker thinking you can get away.

Father (7:12am) - I'm sorry son, for everything, please come home and help out?

Father (7:20am) You know what, you worthless piece of shit if you don't get here in the next five minutes you'll regret it.

Father is calling: Accept or Decline

Holding in a breath I pressed the ever so nice button of Accept and placed my phone to my soon to be deafened ear.

"Where the fuck are you!?" I keep my breath held in for dear life as I make slow steps out of Hanji's front garden. "You've not even been home! Boy, I've got five hungry men here you better come and give them what they want-"

'I hope he means food?'

"-Are you listening don't make m-"

"Yes" I shout jumping at how strong my voice is until I remember whom I talking to and quickly speak back "Yes, sorry I-"

"Get your ass back now" And he hung up, yep, hung up. 

Frustrated with myself along with scared shitless of what the day will bring I run, I run as if my life depends on it. But thinking of it that way my life basically does.

The morning sun shone over me it's heat radiating my skin making me even more sweaty then I already was. 

Breathless I took a sharp turn right and then another turn left until I found myself back at the park which I was once in. 

Luckily for me I knew this town off the back of my mind so It wasn't difficult for me to skip through short cuts which I've found throughout my life living here. 

Running, panting, down a narrow, bushes on every side, alleyway, I stop to check both sides of me for any upcoming cars before taking in a deep breath and sprinting yet once again. 

Finally reaching my destination I feels my hands and knees begin to violently shake making me wonder if I had made the right choice to come back? 

But it was to late for me to turn back now as the door swung open, its hinges trying to keep the door together, as my father reaches out, hand tightly gripping the front of my school shirt, and yanked me inside.

Me, stumbling in on the way, clashed into one of my father's drunk friend accidentally making him spill his drink all over both him, me and the carpet which my father wasn't impressed with one bit. 

Tugging me by the ear away from the man before mumbling an apology to him he shoved me into my room before throwing me down onto the floor like I was dirty washing, though I guess I was. 

"You" My day slurred, slightly drunk, pointing a drunken finger at me "Will get dress, no! Shower 'coz' you're filthy" His eyes began losing focus as he back away out to the hallway "And come back down stairs" His voice was hard to understand but with me being here so long, living with him when he's been like this, I was capable of understand what he was saying. "Boy"

"Yes father?" I gulp as the once beer bottle held tightly in his left hand flew down at me clashing onto the wooden floor boards besides my head, parts of the glass shattering around the room, some slicing into my face.

Shocked I quickly scramble away from the shattered glass and leave the sight of my blood among the floorboards to look back up to my father.

"You will not call me such things in this house, not with guests here" His face was red now, sweating at that, making me wonder whether It was from the anger burning up in his face or the fact of how drunk he was, "I suggest you clean this mess up, now".
I stand, nodding, and bend down to pick up the broken glass bottle as he turns on his heels, walking off down the hallway but before hand reminds me of what I truly am "Disgrace"   

It took no longer than three minutes to pick all the glass up from the floor along with grabbing some tissues, scrubbing clean my blood before I pulled out some clean clothes, placing them on the bed, and jumped into the shower.

Father must of heard the shower go off from down stairs as the minute the warm water hit my skin he or his friends turned on the kitchen tap making me freeze under the cold temperature now coming out of the once warm shower tap.

Shakily I step, trying not to slip, out of the shower and drape a towel around my waist, the top half of my scars and bruises showing, and exited the bathroom.

Oh how much I wished I had stayed in there.

"Well~" A drunken black haired man called out to me as he pushed himself of the hallway wall waddling over to me .

"Yes?..." My voice quivered out of my throat as he leaned down, face in face.

"Look pretty good to me" That's all I needed to here as my knees buckled inwards, sweat falling off from my forehead.

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