*Chapter 13*

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"Kiss upon your darkest nights and sing to all your brightest lights,

for death may come, may stay by your side,

but I'll be with you day and night~"

~ Eren's POV ~

My mother once sang me then words at the scariest of times. She'd repeat the words, in her soothing, beautiful tone, in my ear while rocking me back and forth over powering the thunderous noise outside when the weather came to it's worst.

I know it's random but I'm thankful for it to come to mind at this moment in time. My body is being lifted but I can't move a single muscle,  only open my mouth partly to lip read the words over and over again. 

It's comforting at that, to remember the feeling I felt when my mother sang her song, to remember what my old life was like, to remember all in the past so it blocks out my present. 

Well, the memory could only do so much when I was forced to my shaky knees. Eyes opening I lip read the last words of the song when I come face to face with none over the Kenny.

"W-where am I?" My lips quiver out. 

The room in which I'm in isn't even a room but more of a cell, dungeon, or basement? The walls have been covered, no not in wall paper if that's what you think, but in cobwebs and dust. There is a single cot bed behind him, though I can only see half of it as Eld is blocking my way.

"Where you are is for us to know not you" Eld spoke, Kenny keeping quiet with him arms folded across his chest looking me up and down in approval. 

"Oi" Kenny called to Eld "Chain him up, my son will be home soon so do what you need to do"

Eld nodded before grabbing the top half of my arm and dragging me across the rock hard concert and dropping me onto the 'bed'. 

The bed is hard against my back but with my wrists being chained to the wall, which look long enough for a five step walking distance around the room, I follow Elds every move.

That was until he turned to me, standing up straight - Kenny had already left by now out of a metal door - with hawk's eyes, scanning its prey.

"So weak" He comments, leaning over and squeezing my cheeks together making me groan "just how I like it"


~ Levi's POV ~

I have no clue what was going on, one minute he was holding me for dear life and the next minute I open my eyes to see no sight of him.

I was awake when he left, yes. I heard the whole conversation between him and his dad on the phone but thought best to stay quiet and watch his next moves, and them next moves did, for sure, shock me.

I was speed walking down the street after him, him a few minutes ahead from where I'd locked and clean myself up. Hey, you can't blame me, for I know where he's going so it's not that hard. 

I'd crossed several roads by now, yet everywhere seemed to be abandoned in the foggy town. The small whispers of cries from the birds can be heard in the distance but none of which shows there is human life on this Earth.

That except on black car which back red lights were still on further down the road, near Eren's house. 

Unfolding the letter once again I read it through;


Thank you, really, thank you so much for all you've done. I promise I'll repay you when I get the chance. My father has just rang for me to come home! And going home I what I'm about to do. 

I'll be fine, thank you again and please tell Hanji how grateful I am.  I had an amazing time with you - I hope we can be friends, see you at school,

Eren. J

Questions. That was all that was that was going through my mind right now - questions.

'Why would he leave without saying anything?'

'Could he not tell how fake his father's voice sounded thru the phone?'

'I thought he told me his father sold him to my dad?'

But them questions couldn't be answered without him telling me, so I'm going to find out.

The black car had now just pulled away, it's wheels scraping across the damp road and it's fog lights going off into he distance. Blinking a few times and shoving the letter into my coat pocket I reached the Jaeger house door, knocking twice before stepping back.

"Who the fuck are you?" Questioned an old, drunken looking man.

"Um.." I peered behind his shoulders but he looked as if he was the only one in,'did I get the right house?'  "are you Mr. Jaeger?" I question.

"What about it?" He snaps unimpressed "Who's asking?"

"Right, I'm Levi Ackerman, I friends with your son Eren -"

"He's no fucking son of mind!" He snaps "My son died along with his mother years ago now fuck off or I'll call the police for trespassing"

I raised an eyebrow letting out a nose chuckle, "Fine, fine I'll find him myself with the held of Kenny Ackerman.." I knew Kenny, my so lucky, father was feared by everyone but what got me was when Mr. Jaeger began bursting out laughing, shaking his head hunched over. "What!?" I growled "What's so funny? I'll have your ass kicked in for that".

"Oh you'll see, Levi Ackerman - right?" I nod suspiciously "You want to find that so very special boy-" He stated sarcastically "-all you've got to do is ask your papa" Without another word the door was slammed into my face leaving me dumbfounded.

'-All you've got to do is ask your papa'

'my papa is Kenny'

'So I need to ask Kenny where Eren is-'

'Because Eren was sold to Kenny..'

"So Kenny's got Eren!" Screaming Eren's name out for the world to see I sprint down the street, in the direction in which that stupid back car sped off to, to find the boy taken from me.

'That dickhead will pay' I threat. 'I'll get him for this big time!'

'I'll find you Eren, I'll save you - I promise'

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