*Chapter 14*

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Eyes. They watch you, they watch me. They never leave me. I see thing's that nobody else sees, thing's I wish I didn't. 

Their smile brings shivers up my spine, the feeling of insects crawling all over my body. They watch in the distance of the room hidden within the shadows but I can sense they're there. 

My legs and arms are tied to the four bedposts, my mouth gagged for 'safe keeping', the rest of me - cold and numb.  I truly don't know how I am meant to be feeling nor what is expected on me but I know that the what I'm feeling now just make's me wish for everything to be over and done with.

My hearts shatter. My mind blank. My brain along with my soul - Dead. 

"OPEN THE DOOR THIS VERY FUCKING MINUTE YOU BASTARD!" The voice brings on a smile to tug at my lips, my eyes closing when the man in the shadows, Eld, steps forwards to block the rooms door. "DO IT THIS FUCKING MINUTE! EREN!"

'He, he's looking for me?'

Ba-dup. My body relaxes, my mind showing only one thing, the one person I never thought I'd think of at a time like this. Levi.


~ Levi's POV ~

I'm breathlessly shouting out at the front door of my house. It's just past noon, the sun mid way in the air reflecting on my back. 

My fists pound at the door repeatedly until it's harsh yanked away from me, my fist hitting Farlan's chest.

"Shit man, wh-what was that for?" He says being held up by Erwin as he holds his chest which I'd just hit. "You alright?" He asks in a chesty voice.

"Where's Eren!?" They both raise an eyebrow at me, me pushing past and sprinting through the house to be met with a sleeping Kenny "YOU BASTARD WHERE IS HE?!"

Jolting awake, startled Kenny glares a menacing glare at me "What the fuck boy?!" He questions angrily, his eyes trying to focus "Who the fuck is 'Eren' and you'd better have a fucking good reason for waking me up"

"I know you have him! Let him go now!" He smirks at me. Smirks. 

"Now, now why would I do that?" He asks standing, his bones cracking along with himself rubbing his eyes and stretching "What do you, a pathetic teenage think you're going to do?" He chuckles out towering over me.

"Just. This" I say my knee hitting his privates, a place which shouldn't be hit as he cries out in pain covering his privates and falling to his knees "Answer me! Before I call the police!"

Fumbling around with my hand inside my pocket I pulled out my phone typing in 999 getting into service. A woman spoke through but with the phone thrown across the room and Kenny now holding me in a head lock I couldn't answer the woman but only hope she got the hint I needed help and sent some my way.

"You little piece of shit! Eld!" The basement door was slammed open, my nails clawing at Kenny's strong arms "We need to move out. NOW" 

'So they did have Eren'

My vision was darkening, Kenny's arms never leaving my throat only tightening his grip around it. My eyes focus going in and out, my lips feeling swallow and a lump of needed eye leaving the last of my lungs my knees came weak.

A figure holding something over their shoulder was seen rushing over to us, Kenny finally releasing me, only for me to collapse on the floor like dead weight.

"What are you going to do with 'em sir?" I hear Eld ask.

Eld. Eld has been around for years, he was like Kenny's brother, best friend, partner in crime. He was in his mid twenty soon thirty's, still young yet this was the life he chose - abusing and kidnapping those younger and weaker them him. His blond hair tied back, stormy blue, near to brown eyes scanning my limp body he looks over at Kenny.

"He wasn't to be sold till next week but this twat" Kenny shouted at me kicking his foot into my side "Called the police, they'll be here soon"

"And 'em?" Eld asks my hand twitching to move but it not working properly.

"Leave him, he's no use to us and never was. We need to go, now, move it!" Nodding in acknowledge meant and getting the ball of Kenny's foot holding pressure to my back he stomped down "Don't think about doing anything stupid!"

Sirens came from the distance, panic noticeable on both Kenny and Eld's facing as they dart off out the house with what I so dearly wished to protect. My head pounding, chest aching and tears spilling with never ending tears I slipped into unconsciousness the last words running off my lips before hand.



~ Eren's POV ~

I couldn't see. A blind fold tightly wrapped itself around my head, to tight that I became scared that it'd squash my brain in. 

My mouth was dry with the gag, my eyes sore and tired from the tears but my eyes wide awake when I hung over Eld's shoulder them both shouting out to one another and another person, me hoping that one person isn't who my mind tells me is.


I was thrown harshly into a cramped up space, my breath hitching in my throat knowing it was a car, but the boot of a car. 

The other doors to the car where opened but instantly slammed back shut, the calls and cried from the ones in the car heard but muffled up, me unable to understand them.

The engine turned on, the wheels screeching against the bumpy road, the car speeding off taking me to who know's where? 

But one thing I knew was;

'It was far away from Levi'

Knowing this saddened me but I didn't truly understand why but my head hitting the wall of the boot, hard, I clenched my eye's shutting holding in upcoming tears. 

My head screaming out in pain, doing what my mouth isn't capable of doing I calmly, deep breathing, keep my eye's shut.

It's dark? Yes. Though this darkness doesn't hide anything from me, doesn't hide the true, horrid meaning of darkness. 

So taking in what little breath the gag and blocked up nose would allow through, I let my mind travel back to Levi where the darkness became my friend, allies, the only one who understood. 

For darkness could help me forget.

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