*Chapter 9*

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~ Levi's POV ~

His eyes were none other than dead as they stare over at me. No fear or anger is shown in them there just, empty.

I saw a smirking Erwin besides me that a step forwards, one step closer to the frozen Eren.

Sadness and regret was all I felt as he looked down to the floor a hidden tear slipping his dull eyes.

"Why?" He sobbed quietly "Why?"

"No need to cry" Erwin says sarcastically. 

He was just about to carry on with his cocky comments until Farlan's phone when off as a message.

"Who's that?" Isabel asked, arms hooked around Petra's.

"Your father"

"He's not my father!" I shout, looking away huffing.

"Fine" He clicks his tongue an turns back to answer Isabel's question "Kenny" He looks over at me then back to the inpatient girl tapping her foot "said he'd be home later something like something went wrong in work and they need to find the missing work or what not" He replied shrugging.

"Ke-nn-y" Eren stuttered now staring at Farlan wide eyed.

"Yeah, whats is to you?" Farlan glared boy at the now tearful boy.

"Ke-nn-y" The boy repeated himself shaking, trembling ever losing balance and falling onto his knees.

"Gosh we don't have time for this" Farlan says walking forwards "Issy" He looks over at his sister "Take Petra home and be back by six. Levi"

"What?" I snapped.

"Doesn't matter" I nod "You wanna come over?" He asked Erwin who nodded a yes "What you waiting for?"

"Just need to head back" He pointed behind him "To get my things, you coming?"

"Why not, in a bit" We all waved goodbye as Petra and Isabel left just behind them saying there own goodbyes leaving me by myself with a crying brat, just great.

"I can't - can't"

"Tch. What are you on about, brat?" Crossing my arms I took a step closer, him slowly standing.

"Don-don't" I puts a scared finger at me as he steadies himself. "You-you a-and ke-ke-ken-"

"Kenny" I pointed out for him "what about him?" Stepping back he moves his hands to his hair and screams, a deafening scream, pulling at his hair. "Shit!" I say clamping my own hands on my ears, eyes squeezed  shut like it will some how help block out his cries.

The screaming is terrifying.

The scream is one which will haunt me forever as in a flash all stopped. 

Shocked by the sudden outburst I look back up at him seeing his sad eyes roll to the back of his head. Him falling forwards. Out of instinct I ran, arms out, to catch him.

And that's just what I did.

Falling to my own knees I hesitantly look down at the blacked out boy laid bridal style in my arms.

"Eren?" Lifting up my shoulders I shake him hoping for some sort of response only to get nothing "Hey!"

It was then everything was answered for me. It was at that moment in time everything stood still. That minute in time a tear, my own tear, a tear that has been kept in my eyes ever since my mother died, left a trail down my cheek falling upon the boy's forehead.

Hickeys. Bite marks. Bruises. A red hand print. Scruffy hair. Kenny.

And they all came to one thing.

Anger bubbled up in me as I gritted my teeth, hands tightly holding onto the boy for dear life. Thoughts ran through my head but to many speaking at once that I could only shut my eyes and drop my head into my chest. 

That's when something came to mind.

'I-Is he alive!?'

Overtook by adrenaline I lay him out flat on his back and place my cold ear onto his chest.


Relief flew through me as I let out a happy breath. Taking off my dark green knee long coat I draped it over his resting body and picked him up, like before, bridal style.

His skin was soft brushing against my hand, but it was his weight that got me. Like before of how light he was he only seems to be getting skinnier. 

"You're safe with me" I whisper into his ear as I walk, another tear falling from the same eye, away from the alley way. 

I don't know where I'm going, why I'm going anywhere but I know a few things for sure and its that I do anything to see this boy smile. 

For him. 

For this boy. 

For the boy I love.

 For Eren.

 I show him what true love is.

 What true happiness is.

 What a true smile is. 

For this boy.

This Eren. 

My Eren. 

My number one. 

I'll stop all.

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