*Chapter 15*

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~ Eren's POV ~

"-ke up. Wake up! Oi! Wake up!!" eye's flying open, jaw dropping and my lungs gasping for air, my vision cleared up bringing me to see nothing but darkness. 

"Where? Where am I?" I ask out, my voice a rasped mess. "H-hello?"

Nothing was heard just like nothing was seen, well that is if you don't count my heavy breathing and whimpers. I tried listening out for any background noise's to see if I could, maybe, guess where about's I was but nothing, I mean absolutely nothing was heard.

I was simply in a pitch black room, no, there is no blindfold on not this time. It was then I jolted fully awake trying to jump backwards only to fail. Eye's, like before, peered out from the darkness, all surrounding me but all behind tinted black glass which drew me out there outline. 

My arm's were connected to one another by burning rope behind my back, my ankle's also closed together but the thing bonding them together was cold and hard, metal. I was kneeled on a cold stoned slippery floor, my eye's squinting when four bright blue, closer to white, lights were switched on and shown upon me, directly above me. 

"W-what?" I questioned but like said, nobody was even in this room, myself believing no one could truly hear me, "C-come on"

I repeated the words 'come on' and 'you can do this' when fumbling with the knot in my rope behind my back, all attempts useless. I sobbed, whined, whimpered, none of my cries of help really heard.

I wasn't in my clothes from before, not at all, I was in nothing but a soft, white, fluffy gown, myself bare beneath it.

A muffled voice boomed through a speaker in the other room in which the eyes are in, my all un-hear-able from where I am. Just after the speaker died down did a loud cheer and sex whistles come on, everyone's eyes no all staring over at me.

There eyes pieced my skin from all around. I can't tell you how long I was there for but it was enough for my legs to gradually become weak and myself struggling to keep up. Before long the clanking noise of a lock sliding across a door was heard, in entering three tall, masked in ski masks, men - seen by there figure's that they were men.

"C'mon kid, get up" I glance up at the tallest, closest male in disbelief.

First off both my arms and leg's are bounded together and secondly they've made me kneel down for who know's how long and now they want me to stand with weak legs. Letting off a sly grunt making them acknowledge the fact I couldn't stand the other two men, one with a dark green mask and the other a lighter shade of green, came either side of me picking me up by my pits.

Stumbling forwards with every step they take I tried extra hard to move my feet along with them but ended up tripping over each foot with every try. 

"Keith, 'ere he is I expect you've already paid up front?" 

A dirty-skinned, bald headed man stepped towards me, arms out to take me and nodded to the men who scattered off in their own directions leaving me with the man named 'Keith'.

"Eren, right?" My head snapped upwards staring right at him wide eyes, "How do I know your name? The information they'd given me before paying for you" I let off a sigh, in someway thinking he might of been here to save me, what a lie, "You'll be handed over to my nephew, hopefully you and Jean will get along"

My breath got caught up in my throat, "Jean?"

"Um, hum" He hummed out nodding in agreement of what I had said, "Jean is under my care at the moment, your age or so, I believe he six, sixteen? Seventeen? Anyway Jean has a dark crush for a relative of an Ackerman and in no way am I allowing such a thing, which is why you are here"

Frowning, head tilted to the side I asked, "W-wait? Why am I here?"

"My nephew has fallen for a low life Ackerman -"

'He couldn't mean Levi could he?'

"-names Farlan-"

'I stand myself corrected'

"-and that isn't allowed" Himself tutting, growling when he spoke of Farlan's name, "You, one and only son of Jaeger's is best fitted for my nephew" unknown of what to say or do he carried on, "Which is what you are here for. You will do, say, be, anything in which he wishes you to be. you'll be his best-friend, boyfriend his husband. You'll be of use to my boy"


Groaning a reply of 'yes, don't make me say it again', he grabbed me by my upper arm and dragged me off with him. 

'Me and Jean. Together? It could've been worse'


~ Levi's POV ~

"Dr. Brookes he's waking up!"

'Arr, shut up!'

My head is killing me, my heavy eyes forcefully trying to open. Hand's slowly moving to hold my aching head I open my eyes met with a fully blue dressed woman and white lad-coated doctor. 

"Ah, Mr. Ackerman we had you're call in and took it as an emergency. When arriving you were alone in the house passed out" The brown haired man informed me, "Now we would normally ask you questions towards why you did what you did and what happened but seeing as you've just awoke we'll give you some time to rest"


Humming at the name, picking up a clip board and scribbling down the name he questioned, "Eren? I'm sorry Mr. Ackerman but I know of no Eren's"

"N-no Eren. Eren Jaeger, was he there tell me he was there!" 

Myself struggling to get myself up in a sitting position balanced on my elbow's only to me gently pushed back so I was laying down by the nurse.

Her voice was sweat, kind, innocent,"Please calm down sir, when we found you you'd lost quiet a lot of blood and need to rest" 

"No, I need Eren" I persisted, "He was there, they took him! His father sold him to my father and sold him for crying out loud you need to find him now! He might be in trouble, injured. He could be dead! No-no-no"

"Sir, please" she spoke out a whine, giving me a pleading look "I suggest you rest for now, the police department will be here in a few hours for a one-to-one interrogation on what happened, until then I assure you your rest is well needed"

Giving up, but not giving up on the search for Eren I closed my eyes in hope he was OK. Without knowing it exhausted took over leading my into a, somewhat, peaceful sleep with Eren in everyone of my dreams.

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