*Chapter 2*

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 ~ Eren POV ~

Time flew through my last two lessons as the dreaded bell rang informing us it was the end of school. Father didn't like me being late home and gave me a time limit to be home by but whenever I got home early or late he'd always find a reason to hurt me.

I tiredly place my school books in my rucksack and made my way, anxiously, to the bike racks. I don't know myself why I'm going in that direction but I know deep down that if I were to try anything I'd get double the punishment.

Letting out a shaky sigh and make my way out of my science class giving a half smile to my teacher as a 'goodbye'. 

I wasn't even a step out of the classroom when I was tapped on the shoulder to be faced with Erwin.

"Levi wants you" His voice was manly and harsh but I didn't argue and just nodded as we walked shoulder to shoulder outside the school towards the bike racks.

"He actually came!" Jean squealed nudging Levi in the ribs making him give off a slight groan.

There were two rows of bike racks, one against the school wall and the other closest to the school's back gates.

A light see through green dome covered the bike's from any rain along with shelter for any birds. Levi was lead against an empty rake stood between Petra and Jean.

Opposite them on the other side of the bike racks, the furthest from the school, stood the rest of their 'gang'. The other three off his gang were all in the same year just different lessons.

The three were Hanji, an always over happy person. Isabel known to be Levi's sister and Farlan his over protective brother - from what I've heard and seen.

Farlan looked almost identical Erwin except for not as noticeable eyebrows and a light creamy blond hair.

As for Levi. Well he was handsome, with an undercut his raven hair fitted perfectly on his muscular body, pale skin which brings out his cloudy grey-silver eyes staring at me in boredom.

Both wore black trousers and plain black shoes with white blouses on.

Hanji wasn't the prettiest of girls but nor was she ugly. She has hazel eyes and long rough brunette hair, she, just like Petra wore a knee high skirt with pale blue blouses.

Erwin, barging my shoulder, made me stumble forwards so I'm now stood in the middle of the 'gang' who are slowly circling me. A grin comes on Levi's face as he turns to his brother.

"Do you want to do the honors?" He asked cockidly over to Farlan.

"I wouldn't want to take all the fun" He replied back to his now chuckling brother. As they both, along with Jean, step forwards only for the rest of the group to scoot over to one another. "So what's first?"

I hated waiting, listening to there snarky remarks all I can think is;

'Well? You gonna hit me or not?'

Though it's not like I ever say it out loud, I never have the balls to. But this time they were taking ages and I just wanted to get home and curl up in my warm covers. I roll my eyes not even noticing I did until Levi raised an eyebrow.

"Think someone's impatient over here" Right then I sighed, on what a mistake that was. I instantly regretted doing what I did when a fist came in contact with my cheek bone. "Little shit getting all tough on us, know your place!"

One after another, fists of all three boys hit all different sides of my face until my vision became blurred.

Stumbling backwards to a hit smack-bam in the nose I fell on my back side giving a little yelp in pain. They only chuckled. I was about to attempt to stand when the heel of Farlans foot collided with my rib cage along with a painful crack.

Coughing up blood as it drips down my chin onto my school blouse I can only gulp at the thought of how my father will act when and if he spots it.

I shook the thought of my father out of my now pounding head and watched as the three blurred figures stood side by side glancing down at me.

"Isabel?" Farlan called to his sister.

"Yeah?" She asks calmly as if everything was normal.


"Quarter to four" She response's only for a sign to slip Farlan's lips.

"Levi" He places a hand on his brother's shoulder and slowly begins turning his back to me "Dad's home tonight, let go" I couldn't help a tear slip from the corner of my eyes whether it was from the pain or for the relief they were leaving but either way the feeling of it running down my bloody cheek soothed me. "And you"

'What more do you want from me? Haven't you done enough to ruin my life more than it already is?'

"You'll do and say all in which is ordered by my brother, you 'ear me?" He made his way to my side and slammed his foot into my chest making me edge off the floor, mouth open, as the air left my lungs "Do you 'ear me!" I nodded quickly not wanting another hit which satisfied him as he lifts his foot off me and walks off in almost slow motion away from me. "See you tomorrow Jaeger!" And he disappeared along with all the others.

I lay flat out on the cold floor, heavy breathing, only praying I survive the night at home with my father.

I walked, well limped, my way home. My hands wrapped around my stomach and my surroundings are beginning to spin.

It'll take me around another five to ten minutes to get home but there's no point in worrying about getting home in time as I'm already late, just great!

On my walk I come across a primary school playground with lots of kids running up to there parents heading home and all I can do I stand envious of what I so wish could've been my life; but it isn't. I was pulled out of my depressing thoughts when my phone went off. 

Pulling it out it shows a message from father saying: Gone out - be back in morning with some visitors. You'll be on your best behavior: No school tomorrow you're helping out at home. 

I could only sigh and keep walking, more slowly so that I was able to drag out the minutes. My father went out a lot, normally after locking me in my room before hand, and would bring his 'mates' over to get drunk.

My reasoning for being there, I don't know, but I'd so rather be at school instead of there when they're drunk. Just imagine five abusive fathers roaming the house - not a nice thought. 

I missed my old live so so much, I missed the time I was able to smile and it wouldn't feel so fake, I miss the time....I miss. I miss what I lost and it was my thought I lost it so I shouldn't pity myself for something which was my doing.

Groaning I decided to head to Maria's Park, at least I'll be able to clear my head for a bit.

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