*Chapter 4*

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Trigger warning


~Eren POV~

I'm stuck in my worst nightmare, in the dark and alone what more could this world want from me?

It wasn't like I did anything to deserve this or did I?

One minute I was laid back on the hill taking in the evening breeze to now being tied up, and gagged, against the park's goal post.

The gag was placed tightly around my mouth that the dryness killed my throat, there defiantly gonna be a bruise there. But I guess that didn't matter with all the other bruises I was given today. 

Every second was turning into minutes then hours as the night air became one of frost. Tears are no longer leaving my sore tired eyes and no noise exits my mouth for help.

'why me?'

I don't know what I did to make Erwin want to do this but neither do I truly understand why I'm still alive? 

My life is nothing other than pointless at the moment and the only good thing I'm here for is as a punching bag to let people take their frustrations out on.

'Who knows what would happen if I were to die?

Would anyone miss me? - No

Would someone cry for me? - No

Will it help this Earth and the people on it? - Yes.'

I have no reason to still be here now, to still breathe, walk and live on this Earth. I am simple one more mouth to feed which they shouldn't have to.

Sighing I close my eyes letting a dark blanket coat me, not that I could see when they were open, and let out a quiet sob.

'If I don't die now I know my father will do it himself'

My wrist felt they were on fire as they tore into my skin were my legs couldn't keep me up any longer. I only wish for someone to help me but who am I kidding.

'Who would want to help me?!'

But that's when my thoughts were answered. A cutting noises was heard above me along with heavy breathing. As much as I wanted to look up all I could do was keep my eyes closed, my chin within chest.

I felt the rope loosen ever so slowly as the skin on my wrists peeled off as they're removed from them. Gritting my teeth I let out a growl. Once the rope was fully off I fell forwards with a thump onto the long grass beneath me.

The anonymous person un-knotted my gag as it slipped out of my mouth, me gasping for what little breath I had. My eye's were still not willing to open as I scrunched up my face at the feeling of someone lifting me up.

I was flung over there shoulder as if I was nothing more than a jacket as the tall male. I'm guessing with their shoulder rock hard and my feet or body feeling nowhere near the floor began to walk.

That's when something came to mind;

'Who is this person? Where am I being taken? It's nighttime, yes, there are weirdos about, yes. So what would a man want with a helpless child?.... Shit!'

The minute them horrible thoughts kicked in so did my energy. My feet began hitting the man's back along with a low groan coming from his lips, though he said nothing.

"Let....me....go!" I shouted between breaths as I used my hands to push at his face away only to be thrown onto the hard, cold concrete.

"Little shit" He moaned kneeling besides me one hand covering my eyes, the other over my mouth and her knee over my stomach stopping me from moving. But that didn't stop me from trying to get free "Say still" He said in an almost whisper.

Everything seemed to flash before my eyes as the hand once covering my eyes trailed down my stomach towards the hem of my trousers. 

Shaking my head furiously, whimpering, he let out a quiet chuckle before his hand slid inside.

'Let me die...oh God someone kill me...kill me...kill me..kill me!' 

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