*Chapter 16*

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~ Eren's POV ~

No tears spilled from my lifeless eyes, known at all, but a saddened frown stayed printed on. 

"Cheer up, boy" The man told Eren, eyeing Eren up and down as they made their way up to where Jean would be seen, "we can't have you ruining this for me"

Unlocking there red house, front-door, he nodded for me to enter - in which I did. After the order of taking my shoes off he lead me towards, so called, Jeans bedroom.

"Stay here" he ordered when pushing me in, "he'll be here soon so I suggest you don't do/touch anything and do as said"

With nothing more said, the bedroom door of Jean's was shut on my leaving me in the confided, dirty space in Jean's room. Jean's room was jam packed full with a load of usefulness stuff. From a variety of different posters, some hung up nicely on the walls, other's half folded down. To boxers, socks and t-shirts covering the entire ground.

Finding a spot upon the floor which isn't being covered with anything and looks fairly clean, I help myself to that spot where I sit down, leg's crossed, patiently, nervously, to be met once again with my bully 'Jean Kirstein'.

My eye's were being to droop, head bobbing up and down, well that was all until I heard, "ARE YOU SERIOUS?! YOU BETTER BE KIDDING ME IF I FIND HIM-" Though he words were muted when he slammed open the bedroom door finding me, half asleep, on the floor, staring up at him.

"Tch. Disrespectful" Kieth tuts out, his hand smacking the back of Jean's head "You will not be with that dirty, filth of an Ackerman, I highly rate that you to will be of a better choice, not like you have a choice"


"Oh but I can!" Kicking a red faced, raging Jean into the room so that he stumbles over me knocking us both to the ground, we both stare daggers at the fuming, being slowly closing the door. "You will not be living this room until you either allow this love to work out, propose to him or end up making out-" we both gave him dirty looks for that "-I will be downstairs, think hard of what I've just said"

With a turn of a key the door clicked lock, Jean pushing the half sitting up me, back down to the floor before charging at full speed, like a bull, at the locked door. Seconds letting a wailing of pain and curse's bounced off the walls, Jean holding on the shoulder he'd just rammed into the door.

"What the fuck you looking at" he snapped at me, "little fucker! Why the fuck are you even here?!"

Shrugging I bluntly said, "I was sold to him" 

"What the heck's that meant to mean?! You know what fuck it, you - me, are leaving. Right now!"

"We can't" 

He growled, eye's narrowing down at me, "And why the fuck not?!"

I simply pointed to the door, in return getting him to walk over me, literally, and push open the, not noticed before, window with ease. "Or we can... wait, why are you helping me?"

"Oh shut up Jaeger, I'm not helping you - I couldn't care less about you but what I do know is I'm not staying in this shit hole, there's somewhere else I want to be" Yeah, with Farlan "What did you just say?!" Shit, I must of spoken out loud "Answer me?!"

By now he had already jumped out the window landing on the front-door's porch, "I-um-Keith, right? Said the only reason I was here was because he'd rather  you be with me than... Farlan"

Rolling his eyes Jean scoffed, "No way Jaeger, sorry to get your hopes up but you're not my type"

"That's fine" I hum, "You're not mine either," both nodding to one another, and him helping me balance myself to get out, he side crawls along the wall "It seem's like you've done this before" I state.

"I have" He says, then adds "I use to do this whenever Farlan wished to meet up, don't ask"

"Wasn't planning to" him jumping down, only to say three feet, I followed after, my foot hitting a curb and myself being caught by him, "He, sorry"

"Che, clutz" He whines, pushing me off him and wiping himself down. "Right, I'm heading to Farlan's, you?" I nod as if saying 'the same' "Wait why you coming... oh right, Levi~" a tinted blush come's to my cheeks, him snorting and nudging me to come with, "You know what Jaeger" he out of the blue speaks out, "You're not that bad"

The walk was long, but not enough for my legs to ache. One foot after another, the moon down upon us, we gradually made our way the the Ackerman's house hold. 

"Excuse me boys" A man, Police Man more like, called to us jumping before us to stop us in our tracks, "no one's allowed past this section so if you'd please go around or make a U-turn that would-"

"Wait what do you mean?" Jean quickly questioned, "Why aren't we allowed in?! Farlan's in there, is everyone okay? What's going on?!"

"Sorry kid. There was an accident that accord in this property-" though before Jean could ask what of the man added, "the information of what happened isn't allowed to be put out into the public"

"Can't we..." I began speaking out, "Our friend's lived there, do you... do you know where they live?"

"From what I know," Hand under cheek, eye's wandering the sky, he sighed "one of the other kids around your age was taken into A&E, I suspect the rest of them being there paying him the visit so I'd suges-"

His voice fading out in the distances was no longer heard by neither me or Jean when we sprinted, at full speed, all the way in the direction of the hospital. 

Was it Farlan or Levi, neither of us knew, yet either way we didn't want to hold our breaths. Panting, frowning and hissing 'move' to everyone in our way, we dashed on towards the dreaded hospital.

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