*Chapter 17*

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~ No one's POV ~

Heavy breathing came from both frustrated, sweaty boys. The feet ached from running so far and face, face's scrunched up in discomfort. Both boy's helped one another, each grabbing the other's forearm and yanking him out of any coming up danger when sprinting towards the hospital.

The street noise had died down, but still some distant sound of car horns and screeching of car wheel's were heard. Neither boy's dared looked back, only looking forwards. In the direction of the hospital.

Light wasn't a known thing to these streets. Only a rare few stars seen in the sky, the dark mist of a grey cloud covering the only hope for light. That was all until the hospital came right before them both. Each room had it's light on only a couple with there light's dimmed down, some turned off.

"Jeager, this way!" Jean shouts to me when turning a sharp corner to our right, "It's just up ahead!" he informs me, determination in his eyes.

As Eren and Jean dodged all their obstetrical's and curved around different upcoming corner's, they soon find themselves outside the entrance of the hospital, them both catching each other's eyes before running on-wards.

Both, four palms, slamming down on the counter, startled the receptionist who just flinched at the noise - turning and growing at the two, impatient, teens.

"Ackerman. Where's Ackerman?!"

Frowning the receptionist opened a few tabs on her computer, "An Ackerman was brought in last night, they're in room 104 on the fifth floo-"

Ignoring the woman the ran on forth, themselves hopping into a closing Elevator. A couple and another older couple eye's both males with curiosity and anger, Eren and Jean ignoring them and hitting the fifth floor button.

Within seconds later then needed 'ding' to be haired was heard by both scared, boys, "Hey Jean" Eren whispered out as they slowly, strolled to room 104, Jean humming to him - his eye's staring forwards "I-If it is Farlan... I-I'm sorry"

Jean raised a brow, his head turning to look over at Eren, "Yeah. Same here, either way - both boy's will be fine" a sad smile came from Eren, Jean offering one back in return.

There steps finally stopped, a red haired running there way, "Isabel..." gulping she sends them a smile, a smile showing both boy's that who ever - out of Farlan or Levi - was fine. Then Jean spoke a name which stabbed Eren in the heart, "...Farlan"

"Hey Jean!" A smiling blonde jogged up by his sister's side, only to becomes tackled down by a teary eyed Jean. "whoa, whoa - wh-what's this about?"

Nevertheless did Farlan hug him back, "I-I thought y-you were the one who got hurt and-and"

"No, no - Levi inside-" Farlan was cut off when brutally pushed out of Eren's way, Eren kicking open the door at full forces nearly bringing it off his hinges. "Wait!"

"No, leave him" Jean whispered, tugging Farlans arm, "C'mon, let's leave them for a bit" Unsure on what to do, Farlan give's in to Jean and goes with him and Isabel.

Eren's heavy breathing and loud noise awake's the once sleeping Levi, their eye's finding one another.



~ Levi's POV ~

My eye's didn't believe what I saw. My breathing coming to a halt. Eren was there, Eren found me, Eren...

I attempt to sit myself up, myself using my elbow's for balance, all until they are knocked back down when Eren jumps on him. I let off a grunt in surprise but nonetheless tightly hold him back in return.

"Eren? Oh my god, Eren... Eren... where were you? Are you okay? What happen?" though I said no more when I felt my pale blue hospital gown become wet from Eren's tears, "Hey? Sh, sh, Eren what's wrong - talk to me"

"Y-you. I-I. Y-you" It was obvious that in this moment in time we were both full of shock, excitement and... love, that I just shook my head at him.

"Don't speak" I hushed him, myself shifting across the bed and dragging him with me, until we are both laying, side by side on the bed. "You scared me... I'm sorry"

He just shook his head, himself bringing himself into my chest and curling up like a cat. My hands finding themselves soothingly weaving through his tatty, brown hair. I begin humming an oh so random turning when finding him shiver at my touch and bring himself even, if possible, closer.

Reaching over for the hospitable sheet beneath him II struggle to tug it out from under him, him seeing this and helping me out as we both lay back down snuggled up in the thin sheets, for covers.

With both his hands, which are in fists, balling up my gown to keep his cold body close and one of my arms draped over his waist, my finger's running up and down his spine while my other hand fiddles with his hair, we stay together - with one another - neither making any move to let go.

I knew from the start I'd always liked this boy, this shy, beaten and bruised boy. Yet from my own spitefulness I said nothing but only physically hurt him. And now, after all I did to him, this is what I get in return: His love and trust.

I hid my feelings for this boy is a selfish stupid way, but now - now I have no more hidden feelings for this male because now I know what this true feeling is.

This feeling is none other than love.


-Time Skip-

School had finally come to an end, for Levi anyways. Eren was still stuck with another year of it, thankfully for him some new people had came and he was able, with help from Levi who scared away all the bully's, make friends.

Levi was now in college studying Psychology for the fact that one day he wanted to help other people who were once like Eren. That's right, once.

Kenny was caught after all Eren had told Levi, Levi spotting Kenny's car back up at the house where Levi took the chance in knocking Kenny out and phoning the people.

After Kenny's arresting, Grisha had ran away along with anyone else who associated with Eren. Eren and Levi now able to live carefree.

Levi was able to, with help from all of his and Eren's new friends to pay out for the house. Everybody now fitted into the house together. Farlan and Jean sharing a room, Isabel with her own and Levi and Eren sharing the other.

Everything seemed to be moving smoothly for the now, official, couple. Each going on there time to time dates, arguments erupting now and then but them seeing this as for a normal relationship. Levi was able and still is, helping Eren with depression and being the only one Eren needed.

At the end of the day the promised to never lie to one another nor hid thing's that mean's a lot. Like there once hidden love for one another.


"Eren..." Levi whispered out while they slept peacefully in there same bed, Eren groaning and humming into Levi's neck as a reply "...I love you"

Eren's smile pressed to Levi's neck, Levi smiling at himself. Leaning up, now saddling the older male, Eren smiles tiredly at the one beneath him.

"I..." He murmurs out when their lips firmly pressed against one another, butterflies swarming around both males stomachs and there eye's closing in bliss "...love you too, Levi"

The End

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