Betrayed [Judy's POV]

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Ah! I've got a concert tonight and I'm rapping and I'm so nervous because of my stutter! 


My heart had been split in two. All these months - all these months - I knew something was going on, and the cat was finally let out of the bag. On our three year anniversary of being boyfriend and girlfriend. Tears spilled out over my eyelids and ran down my face as I packed all of my clothes into my suitcase. I couldn't stay here, just the mere sight of this apartment would make me break down into tears.

Once I was all packed and ready to go, I turned around to walk out when Nick stopped me in our bedroom doorway by planting his paws on my shoulders.

"Judy wait," he begged, his voice calm yet desperate.

I shrugged his paws off of me and continued walking towards the front door. I wasn't in the mood for a fight; I was too tired for one. I had spent the last few hours crying, yelling and screaming at Nick and my throat hurt. Now all that was left of me was sorrow and depression, a pair that didn't really go well in my book.

"Judy," Nick pleaded and I finally turned around.

It appeared that he never even expected me to actually turn around, so when I did he was dumbstruck, and just staring at me with his eyes darting over my face.

"Three years," I squeaked, breaking the silence between the two of us. "Three years, Nick, does that not mean anything to you?"

Nick already looked shocked enough, but when I said that his brows furrowed in worry as he reached out to me. I jerked away from his touch until my back hit the wall.

"Judy, of course it does," he insisted, the desperation showing in his voice.

"Then how do you explain what I saw?" I asked, the words rolling off my tongue like venom.

"I..." Nick paused as if he was trying to come up with an excuse, but gave up when he realised it was no use. "I can't," he admitted, hanging his head in shame.

I thought that my words hurt at that point, but nothing compared to those two words Nick had said.

I can't.

The fact that he didn't even have the audacity to try and lie in an attempt to get me back made me gag alone. Perhaps he already knew he had lost me, but I would still try even if it was all for naught. That just proved to me that our relationship meant nothing. At least nothing to him...

I shook my head as I bit back the urge to let more tears fall from my eyes and run down my, already tear-stained, cheeks. I turned back round to the door and opened it, just about to walk out when Nick called out to me.

"I love you Judy!"

I love you too...

But I would never tell him that, every again. His words sounded so desperate and it was almost like he was tugging at anything to get me to take him back, even toying with the real meaning of love. At that moment, when I turned around again to stare daggers at Nick, I felt betrayed. I felt like I wasn't good enough for Nick to refrain from kissing some random fox on our couch. At that moment, I felt like just a dumb bunny...

"If you loved me," I took a deep breath before continuing. "Then you wouldn't have been making out with someone else."

And with that, I left, closing the door gently behind me as a sign that I had given up. My actions spoke a thousand words, and I didn't even feel the need to cry as I determined through my mind, the end.

That I was done.


Emotional one-shot there, but here's something funny. When I was writing "I took a deep breath before continuing", because my iPad has this weird thing where it predicts what I'm going to write next, after the word 'before' it came up with Christmas. So it said "I took a deep breath before Christmas". I don't know, I found it funny. 😂

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