Happy [Judy's POV]

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Just a short - or not so short I don't know - drabble to loosen the tension of not writing Junick for so long whoops.


"Nick, I'm home!" I called out into the darkness of our apartment, switching the light on only to find my best friend wasn't sitting on the couch like I thought he would be.

"Nick?" I called out again, and when all I received was a sniffle from his bedroom, I was dropping my keys on the floor and running to the door before I even knew what hit me.

Nick never cried. This had to be bad.

When I reached the doorway to his room, I immediately spotted Nick hunched over on the floor, spotting tears dripping from his eyes and onto his fists.

"Oh my gosh, Nick, are you ok?" I gasped, rushing over to him and sitting down on the floor opposite him, raising my paws to cup his furry cheeks. "Are you hurt? Do you need me to call anyone?"

Nick took a while to come round, but when he did, he just shook his head and wiped his teary eyes.

"I'm fine," he lied, looking up at me with a fake smile.

Whenever he mustered a fake smile, it hurt me, because I always thought it was a real one.

"You're obviously not if you're crying, Nick," I teased, and Nick let out a breathy laugh. "Now, come on, tell me what's wrong."

"How can you be so happy all the time, Carrots?" He asked, and I looked at him in surprise. "You always manage to smile even when everything's gone to shit, and you never let a bad day get to you. How do you do it?"

I blinked at the fox before me before lightly shaking my head in confusion.

"Nick, I don't...what do you mean?" I asked softly, not wanting to press too far into Nick's problems. "Everyone has bad days, it's just how you deal with them."

"But, the way you act makes it seem like you never have a bad day," Nick replied and I giggled.

"Now, you're probably the only one who's seen me on a bad day so you know just how bad I can be, but I always think of the good things in life: like me and you, and the world around us, and-"

"The world is nothing to be happy about," Nick cut me off suddenly, the tone in his voice scaring me, and I suddenly knew what this was about. "Not when it treats you like shit only to have everyone else do the same."

"Is this about your shock collar?" I asked softly and, after a short amount of time, Nick nodded. "Is it hurting again?"

Another nod, this time followed by a sniffle, and another, and another, until more tears were falling from Nick's eyes.

No words needed, I simply wrapped my arms around Nick's neck, hugging him tightly despite the cold metal of his shock collar causing goosebumps to break out over my fur.

"It's gonna be ok," I reassured, rubbing his back up and down as Nick wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm always here for you, and I'll be happy for the both of us."


And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what you get when you mix boredom and the time 2:40am together 😀

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