Savage [Nick's POV]

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I just had a nice cold shower and it was bliss. It's like 34 degress where I live and I'm like "weather why you be so complicated?" Like, one day it's nice and sunny. The next day it's fucking snowing!



"We're on the same team, Judy...underestimated, underappreciated... Aren't you sick of it?" Bellwether hissed as her bodyguard kicked Judy and I into this pit-like exhibit.

I watched helplessly as the case with the dart gun slid across the floor and over to Bellwether, and as she picked it up, stroking the gun delicately.

"Well, you should've just stayed on the carrot farm, huh? It's too bad, I did like you."

"What are you going to do?" Judy asked, playing the act of terrified bunny really well considering the fact her leg was badly injured. "Kill me?"

"Oh, no! Of course not!" Bellwether answered, eyeing the gun one more time before pointing it at me. "He is!"

Suddenly, the moist feeling of a pellet hitting my fur struck me. I knew that all of this was an act, but I couldn't stop the burning feeling running through my veins at that moment. We did switch the pellets for blueberries didn't we? Apparently not as I felt myself slip into insanity, struggling to grip on what was left of my sanity.

"Oh, Nick!" Judy cried, running over to me and putting a paw on my shoulder.

I wanted to tell her to get away, but the only sounds coming from my mouth were a mixture of garbled growls.

"Yes, police? There's a savage fox in the natural history museum. Officer Hopps is down! Please hurry!" I heard Bellwether say from above me.

"C'mon, Nick!" Judy exclaimed, sounding and looking truly terrified. "Don't do this! Fight it!" She pleaded, the sound of her petrified voice almost enough to bring me back.

But, by now, my body was burning and I had a hunger for blood. Rabbit blood...

'No, Nick! Stop it!' I tried telling myself but I was too far out to even sound convincing.

"Oh, but, he can't help it, can he? Since Preds are just biologically supposed to be savages!" Bellwether spoke mockingly.

Judy's head snapped back to me as I went down on all fours, slowly stalking her. She stumbled backwards as a result of her injured leg and began to scoot backwards, the fear in her eyes visible all the way from Hell - which was where I was going. She even tried throwing a plastic deer at me as a distraction but, in the moment, I tore it to shreds in my mouth.

"Gosh, think of the headline: Hero Cop Killed By Savage Fox," Bellwether monologued as I could feel my veins throbbing in anticipation.

"So that's it?" Judy asked, crawling away from me. "Prey fears Predator and you stay in power?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Bellwether shrugged.

"It won't work!" Judy insisted, her voice cracking slightly.

"Fear always works..." Bellwether hissed. "And I'll dart every Predator in Zootopia to keep it that way."

A snarl escaped my mouth, causing Judy to turn her attention back to me. Her breathing was growing more and more heavy, panicked, by the second as her brows creased in worry. She let out a small yelp as her back hit the rock behind her, and I had her cornered.

"No, Nick..." She whispered. "No!"

"Bye bye, bunny," Bellwether giggled maliciously as my face inched its way closer to Judy's.

The fear that lit up in her eyes was enough to bring me back into sanity for one second, but it was already too late. By the time I was able to snap out of my wild daze, I had already locked my jaws around Judy's neck and bitten down.

And I tasted real blood...



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