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A/N: picture of camila above.

word count: 984

camila's pov;
*beep beep beep*
"Ughh" I groaned rolling onto my stomach and burying my face into a nearby pillow. I slammed my alarm clock, hoping it would stop beeping, which to my luck, it did. I peeked my petite head out and instantly hid my face back into my pillow; trying to avoid getting blinded more from the sun's rays that hit and shone into my bedroom.

"Mila! Wakey wakey! Get up!" my annoying little sister screamed into my ears as she jumped on my bed.

"What the fuck do you want Sienna?" I groaned hitting her with an extra pillow that laid on my bed.

"Can you please drive me to school today. Please !!" Sienna screeched, dragging out the 'e' in please.

"Fine, fine! Just get out!" I yelled, but ended up getting muffled as my face was still in my pillow.

"Yay! Hurry up, come on!" Sienna said joyfully, while skipping out of my room.

I slowly got up, mentally groaning as I dragged myself to my closet, and picked out a maroon cropped sweater and a b&w plaid skirt. { photo below !! }

I quickly slipped on my outfit and brushed the tangles that were in my long–brown hair

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I quickly slipped on my outfit and brushed the tangles that were in my long–brown hair. I put on a thin black headband that kept my hair out of my face, then I started my makeup. I applied a thin layer of concealer and foundation, then finished with some mascara and a bit of winged eyeliner.
'I'm getting kind of good at this thing' I thought to myself; grinning at how equal my winged eyeliner was on both eyes. I grabbed my phone and called out,
"Sienna! Are you ready?"

"Yeah, wait up!" she replied running into my room.

~skipping the car ride bc it's boring~

I dropped Sienna out front, where the freshmen group would usually hang out until the bell rang for classes to begin. Yep, my sister is in Grade 9, and I'm in Grade 11. Technically, Sienna is only 2 years younger than me, but I still consider her as my baby sister– even though she can get very annoying at times. I parked my car and hopped out; making sure to fix my skirt, just to make sure I don't flash anything, because that would be very ba–


I turned around quickly, facing the individual that had taken a photo of me.
I gawked in shock, hoping he hadn't taken a photo of my underwear or something like that.

"Nice lace panties, babe" Jai smirked as he looked down onto his phone.

I gasped and pulled my skirt down a little more. Damn, I really should've wore a longer skirt today. I mentally face palmed myself as I realized how stupid I was this morning. I felt blood rush up to my cheeks and I could feel myself get more nervous and anxious by every minute that passed.

"What the actual fuck Jai?!" I whisper–shouted in case anyone around heard.

"What?" Jai replied back calmly, with an innocent smile.
"Hmmm, let's see.." Jai continued, pretending to think and 'scratch his beard', "should I just send this photo to everyone.. or simply delete it." Jai finished with his 'innocent' little smile; twitching up into a devilish grin as he showed me the picture he taken of me.

I gasped in shock, he wasn't serious right? He wouldn't actually send the photo to everyone right? He had to be kidding me!

jai's pov;
"What the hell, Jai! Delete that photo, please!" Camila pleaded frantically with deep fear in her eyes. Her eyes are actually kind of beautiful.. I mean they glisten perfectly in the sun right now and– wait, what the fuck did I just say?! I don't do that "love" bullshit.

"Oi, I was joking. Calm the fuck down you cunt, I won't send it to anyone.." I grunted hearing her sigh of relief, "unless.." I smirked.

"Ugghh, Jai! What do you want from me!" Mila questioned. Mila— aw, that's a cute nickname. Fuck, Jai, snap out of it!

"How 'bout this, you can go around, do errands for me and shit like that. Think of it like– like you're my maid." I mischievously grinned.

"You mean, slave." Camila rolled her eyes.

"Sure, whatever you want to call it." I said.

"No way in hell, am I being your 'maid' Brooks." Camila said, using her fingers to quote maid.

"Fine, I guess I'll just send that picture to everyone." I threatened, pretending to type away on my phone.

"No, no, no, Jaiiii!!" she whined. Normally, I would've thought that was annoying, but somehow, Camila made it sound.. almost even.. cute...?

"So that's a yes?" I smirked knowing exactly what she would respond with.

"Fine, Jai! Whatever you want! But do you promise you won't send those pictures to anyone?" she huffed, crossing her arms.

"It's all about trust, baby." I said reaching out for her phone.

"What are you doing?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

"Give me your phone."

Camila sighed but handed me her phone anyways.

I quickly added in my number and suddenly the bell rang. I slipped Camila's phone into my back pocket and pulled her into the school building.

"Hey, give me back my phone!" Camila groaned.

"I'll give you it back later! C'mon let's get to History so we don't miss roll." I said, pulling Mila by her arm.

"Wait, we have History together?" she furrowed her eyebrows with a confused look on her face.

I chuckled in response and sarcastically replied back, "No, Mila, we don't. I'm just pulling you to History class for no good reason."

From the corner of my eye, I could see Camila blush. And I couldn't help but just grin at her cuteness.

A/N: i just rewrote some parts of this chapter because it felt too cringy for my liking.

trust | jai brooksWhere stories live. Discover now