
650 33 8

word count: 1064

camila's pov;
I rubbed my eyes, slightly opening my them, but quickly closing them again due to the bright sunlight that shone through my sheer baby–pink curtains. Once my eyes adjusted to the brightness, I began to get up. Until I realized there were strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me back down onto my bed.

"Jai, let go.. I look like a panda right now." I groaned, lightly slapping his arms.

"Do you got broads in Atlanta?" Jai mumbled with his eyes still closed.

"No" I giggled, now sitting upright.

"Then go back to bed." Jai stated bluntly, making his arms tighter around my waist. I mean, if that was even possible.

"Jaiiiii.." I groaned, trying to pull his arms off of me, but obviously failing. I fell back onto my bed, collapsing under the covers.

"Wake up." I said, lightly tapping his nose.

"No. I don't wanna." Jai whined like a six year old.

"We're gonna be late for school." I explained, gently shaking Jai. But Jai— being the lazy fuck he is— he didn't move an inch.

"Who cares?"


"Stop caring then. It's just school. There's another 8 months of it."

I sigh and playfully slap his upper–arm.
"C'mon Jai. I'm not kidding." I said, forcefully pulling his arms off. He stuck out his plump lower lip and looked straight into my eyes. Shit, Camila. Don't give in... Not today Jaidon, not today..

"That's not going to work on me." I roll my eyes. Jai let out an exhausting sigh and finally got up. He trudged over to me, but bumped into the corner of my desk, and dramatically fell to the ground.

"Help! Camila! I'm shot!" Jai whined after he dropped to the ground.

"Haha, real funny. Get up, let's go!" I exclaimed dragging out the 'o' at the end. Jai huffed, but listened to what I had said. He got up, and made his way over to my window.

"What are you doing?" I ask while brushing my hair.

"I'm going home to get a pair of fresh clothes..?" Jai said, but ended up making it a question at the end. "I'll come back soon, just don't leave without me." he winked before crawling out of my window and jumped onto a nearby tree. I just hoped he didn't die. I quickly ran over to my window and peeked my head out. Phew, he's okay. Jai was already climbing down the trunk of the tree, and he had jumped off 3–4 inches before he reached the ground. I don't think he noticed me staring, since he just ran off in the other direction of my house.

I took this time to go get ready. I made my way into the bathroom, making sure to grab my phone first. I turned on the hot water, and then I clicked open Spotify. I played my most recent playlist and jumped into the shower.

By the time I had gotten in, the water was already mildly–warm. My body soon relaxed as the warm water brushed against my bare back. I grabbed my vanilla–scented shampoo and starting massaging my scalp. I quickly rinsed, then lightly conditioned my hair. As I let my conditioner set in, I began to wash my body with a pink grapefruit–scented scrub. After I had rinsed my hair and scrubbed off the remaining bits of body–gel, I turned off the water. I grabbed a pink fluffy towel and wrapped it around my body. I began to dry my hair with another towel and started to blow dry it. After my hair was mostly dried, I opened the bathroom door and walked into my bedroom.

As soon as I opened the marshmallow–white door; my heart jumped.

"What the fuck, Jai!" I screeched as my grasp on my towel became tighter. His eyes made their way, glancing up and down my body. Thank god I had a towel on.

"Jai, my face is up here." I said, snapping my fingers in his face.

"Yeah, sorry." he cleared his throat, his cheeks becoming a shade of light pink. I ignored him, and made my way over to my closet. I chose a white tank–top and a grey mid–thigh length cardigan with pockets. Then I matched it with a pair of medium washed ripped jeans. { picture below! }

I walked back into the bathroom and changed

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I walked back into the bathroom and changed. I turned my phone back on and checked the time. 7:23AM. Perfect, I have just enough time to get ready. I changed into my outfit and started to straighten my soft, long hair. Once I finished, I began my makeup. I applied my foundation and concealer first, then I highlighted my cheekbones. I didn't really need to contour— and I didn't really know how either— so I left it out. I wanted to look pretty casual today, so I applied some sparkly cream–colored eyeshadow. It wasn't too sparkly, it just sparkled enough so you would know I had makeup on. Then I began to blend out, into a light brown color. Once I perfected my eyeshadow, I added a layer of jet–black eyeliner. I applied my mascara and 'combed' out my brows. My 'eyebrow comb' was basically just an old mascara wand that I cleaned. I finally finished my makeup off with a matte nude mauve lipstick.

I made sure that everything was perfect, seeming as I'm a perfectionist. It's a problem— really. Once I was happy with the way my outfit, makeup, and hair looked, I walked back into my room.

"Ugh, finally you're done." Jai complained getting off my bed. "I need to piss."

"Yep, I definitely did not need or want to hear that." I said, putting on a pair of white socks. I sat on my bed, waiting for Jai to finish up doing his thing. I scrolled on my phone for a bit, checking my social medias every morning as always. Nothing new.

"Okay, I'm back!" Jai said jumping onto my bed.

"Come on, let's get breakfast before we head to school." I said, pulling Jai off my messy bed.

A/N: omg i need to edit the chapters before this one but i'm really lazy. but it'll bother me if i don't so guess what i'm gonna do for the next, what? 30 minutes.. 😩

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