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word count: 728

camila's pov;
I groaned, hitting my noisy alarm clock and letting it fall off the edge of my end—table in the process. I knew I'd have to pick it up, but whatever, I can do it later. All I cared about right now was actually looking somewhat presentable to school— and not look like a hobo.

I dragged myself off my bed and slumped over to my closet. I quickly scanned my clothes and chose an oversized marble—grey V–neck and black leggings. { picture above ^^ } I slipped on my clothes and tied the front part of my top into a little bun; so it wouldn't be as big.

I went into the bathroom, noticing the door was locked.

"Sienna, ugh! Get out of the bathroom, you take forever! Just let me brush my teeth first!" I complain, shaking the door knob.

"No! Can't you just wait? Geez, I'll be out in a minute."

I rolled my eyes and started to impatiently tap my foot onto the ground.

"I'm out, I'm out!" Sienna said; finally unlocking the door.

"Finally" I mumbled while slipping into the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then, I moved onto my makeup. I added a bit of foundation and concealer to hide my blemishes. I started my eyeshadow, lightly putting on a sparkly creme base then blended out with a light rosy–pink color. I added a thin winged eyeliner to the top of my lid, finishing off with a coat of mascara. I made sure every eyelash was perfect— I didn't want that creepy, 'spider eyelash' look.

I curled my hair, but left the tips straight. I ran my fingers through my soft brown hair, lightly separating some curls. I didn't want my hair to be too curly, but I wanted it just enough that it wavy. Once I was happy with the end result, I made my way out of the bathroom.

I grabbed my phone off my bed and slipped on some white socks.

"Sienna?! Am I driving you today?" I scream out into the hallway.

"Yeah! Wait for me!" she replied back a second later.

I turned on my phone and checked my social medias. 'Same old, same old.' I thought to myself.

"I'm here!" Sienna screamed, busting into my room.

"Next time can you not break my door down?" I roll my eyes but end up giggling.

"Yeah, yeah." she replied, skipping down the stairs and smiling.

'What had her so happy today?' I pushed my thoughts aside and trailed down the stairs.

"Hey mum." I said pecking my mum's cheek.

"G'morning sweetie, did you sleep well?" my mum asked before taking a sip of her coffee. I nodded in response, taking a seat at the counter island table. I looked over seeing Sienna giggling; typing away on her phone.

I rolled my eyes and started picking at my pancakes. I didn't feel too hungry today, but I didn't want to make my mum feel like I didn't like her cooking— which is amazing by the way! I ate as much as I could, before setting it aside and grabbing my backpack and slipping on my white converse.

"Sienna, you comin'?" I shout out from the front door. I heard footsteps running down the hallway. Sienna ran in and grabbed her black flats and slid them on.

"What's the rush?" I asked, raising my left eyebrow. She shook her head, dismissing my question and brushed past me, out the front door.

"Gee, thanks for waiting for me." I mumble to myself. "Bye mum!" I shout out and closed the front door before hearing a reply.

I walked down the driveway and unlocked my car. Technically it wasn't my car, it was my mum's. But that's not the point.. I heard Sienna sigh and mutter, "Finally." but I pretended I didn't hear it. I didn't want to start another fight, and end up getting grounded, again. Sienna would always blame me for things I didn't do, and mum would believe her since she's the youngest and 'innocent–est'. If that's even a word. I started the car and drove to school in silence.

A/N: boring chapter, i know, i know! but it's only a filler chapter, and it kind of foreshadows some stuff that's gonna happen in the next chapter!

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