twenty one.

314 13 5

a/n: ooouu changed formatting a little, oh and read a/n at the end as well— thankS ( capital s intended thank you )

waltzing into my room with a gigantic smile plastered against my face, i threw myself onto my bed and let the darkness and warming comfort of pillows and blankets overcome my consciousness.

i woke up in a daze, like a fogged up camera in the warm summer heat. i rubbed my eyes, beginning to sit up. i looked around and saw the morning had barely risen. 2:48am

i let my head hit my pillow once more until i hear the faint knocks coming from my window. instinctively, i gathered myself up as i walk closer to where the sound was coming from.

i peeked the pale curtains back and let the face of jai meet my own. we made eye contact for a split second until he pointed down at the window and motioned upwards.

getting the hint, i released the hatches and pulled the window up. i moved out the way as i let jai climb through.

we made eye contact once more before i shook my gaze away and walked back to my bed. laying down i thought to myself, 'yeah camila, hold a grudge against jai and then let him into your room, fucks sake'.

"close the window." my faint voice sounded.


"the window," i pointed, "close it please."

i shifted my stare back to my fluffy pillows and toyed with them. i heard the sounding of jai shutting my window, quite loudly if i could say.

"so what?" his deep voice brought my look to him.

"hm?" i sleepily looked to him.

"have nothing to say?"

i snapped, "what do you want me to say? fucking barge into my house why don't you."

he pushed me, "fuck you. you think it's okay to start fucking around with my brother? it's not. i don't care if he's older than me, he's an idiot follower that can't make his own decisions. do a favor for myself, him, and you," he pointed to me harshly, "get fucking lost." he spat before he threw my window up and got out.

to no avail left me sat in the darkness alone, letting my thoughts eat me away. what'd luke say?


i rise as the sun shines through my still open window. fuck, i should close that. memories from last night come back and hit me like a ton of bricks. i cast them aside as i do, and pushed myself to get up. i slid my feet against the cool wooden floor and shut my window. i looked out as i slowly snapped the hatches back to close. the sun was blazing today, birds rang their melodic tunes, clouds looked wispy clean, sky cleaner than ever.

after school

i shut my locker, smiling a bit at the thought i successfully avoided both jai and luke today. but hahaha, my life decided against that.

heavy footsteps followed after me, i shut my eyes and prayed to every god up there, not luke. not now. please. someone else, anyone else.

nope. i felt my shoulder be tapped as i open my eyes and turn. luke.

"hey so—" he stopped for a brief moment.

i looked to my right and saw jai under the old oak trees everyone has sat under at least once, giving me that look. you know, the look that just says, 'don't you dare. don't you fucking dare.' and i didn't.

"right so do you want to hang out sometime after school tomorrow?"

i obviously didn't want to for multiple reasons, jai probably being one. his words just ran through my mind over and over. "do a favor for myself, him, and you," he pointed to me harshly, "get fucking lost." no matter what, i knew to not test jai. so i didn't.


i threw my ass back on my comforting bed the second i opened the front door. my bed was a comfort zone, somewhere to cry or to spill my emotions out at. i cuddled up to the nearest pillow and just laid there. for hours? maybe. i thought, and i thought, and i thought, until my brain tired out, letting myself doze off to the deep abyss of dreams.

a/n: ok i don't fucking know either i just plugged my headphones in and started typing so don't mind the mistakes because i didn't edit this

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2017 ⏰

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