
640 31 5

word count: 983

camila's pov;
Jai and I went to Starbucks for breakfast, since it's convenient and we both adore it. We learned a thing or two about each other during the car ride. Once we pulled up into a parking spot, we ordered our foods and sat down to talk.

"So, tell me about yourself." Jai said, while sipping on his frappuccino.

"There's nothing much to know." I replied looking down at my hands that rested next to my frappe.

"Of course there is. There always is. See for example, hey, my name is Jaidon Dominic Matthew Brooks. My birthday is May 3rd of 1995. I have two older brothers, Beau and Luke. Beau's older than me by two years and Luke's older than me by two minutes." he took a sip of his drink, "Duh, easy" he finished.

"Alright, well.." I paused, "My full name is Camila Layla Calemine an–" I got cut off by Jai.

"Layla's a cute name." Jai interrupted. I playfully glared at him for cutting me off but ending up giggling and shaking my head.

"But anyway, where was I before someone cut me off?" I stared at Jai when I said 'someone'. He chuckled and lightly punched my shoulder.

"Oh, well I have a sister, her name's Sienna. Uh, I live with my mum." I said awkwardly not knowing what else to say.

"I know, I was over yesterday." Jai laughed. "What about your dad?" he asked.

"U–um.. he's not, here.. right now.."
God, Camila, you better not cry right now.. I felt tears start to brim my eyes, but I hung my head down a little. I couldn't cry right now, well, at least not in front of Jai.

"Oh, I'm uh, sorry.. My dad left us too." Jai said, moving next to me.

I covered my mouth with the palm of my hand and looked down at my lap. I felt my hair being gently pulled back and I slowly raised my head up. My eyes met with Jai's hazel–brown eyes. Damn, were they beautiful though. A dark, rich–chocolate brown color with specks of green and lighter brown in the mix. I felt Jai briefly run his fingertips against my jawline but keep eye contact at the same time. We both stared into each other's eyes— for god knows how long.

*ring ring*

I was so mesmerized in Jai's breathtaking eyes, that I could barely even hear the infuriating sound that filled the background. I heard Jai sigh as he broke eye contact to reach over for his phone. I faintly whimpered as Jai's touch left my face.

"What?" I heard Jai speak irritatedly. I couldn't hear what the person on the other line was saying, I could only hear mumbles and sparse words. I looked up and saw Jai staring out into the window, still on the phone with someone. I briefly sighed and went on my phone. Shit, it's already 7:52AM. Well, I guess I still have enough time to get there..

court ♡♡ { aka courtney }: hey hoe, why aren't u at school yet?¿ ... don't tell me sienna locked u in the closet again...

Oh yeah,I forgot— Courtney's my best friend. We've been friends since year two, I still remember it like it was yesterday.. We were fighting over who would get the purple crayon, and then we ended up breaking it in half. After that, I guess we just became friends!

camz { aka camila }: courtnEY I TOLD U TO NEVER BRING THAT UP AGAIN

court ♡♡: oops.. anyway whERE R U

penn { aka penelope }: plz shut the fuck up i'm sleeping u inconsiderate bitches

camz: penelope, it's already 7:58AM wyd.. school starts at 8:30, HURRY UP

ya gal fal { aka fallon }: fuck u guys, ur texts scared me and i burned my hand while curling my hair

camz: o

court ♡♡: can yall hurry up and come to school. i'm so lonely ;((((

penn: no

court ♡♡: no one asked u

penn: u did

court ♡♡: i hate ur sassy ass

penn: my ass is hella cute tho (;


ya gal fal: my hand hurts sm

court ♡♡: is it too late now to say sorry??

ya gal fal: get outta here justin

court ♡♡: it's courtney babe

penn: help guys i just rolled off my bed and i heard a crack, rip me. #prayforpenn2k16

court ♡♡: prayin 🙏🏼🙏🏼

I smiled at all of my friend's stupidity, gosh they were so dopey. So dopey that it just became funny. Sometimes I even question myself why I'm friends with these weirdos. But then I remember why, I fit right in with them. I looked up from my phone to see Jai staring right back at me and he grinned as soon as he saw me look over at him.

"Hey, are you ready?" Jai asked while throwing his trash away. I nodded and got up to throw away my things too. He took his hands in mine and guided me over to the exit. I felt electricity run up my arms, but I wasn't so sure if he felt it too. I looked down at my feet, trying to hide my blush with my long brown hair. Did Jai feel it too? Oh, and what about earlier? What about him grabbing my hand? And— he's still holding my hand... God, what is this boy doing to me?

A/N: hey guys!! thoughts on this chapter? oh, and i'm starting//trying to involve camila's friends more in this story, because i just realized that it seemed like cam had no friends because i never mentioned them 😂

and idk if it's just me but like wattpad is acting really weird and stuff.. i published this part earlier, but then when i checked it, it said that it didn't publish? so idk.. but anyway, vote and comment if u want a new chapter ((;

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