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A/N: picture of the girls above ^^

word count: 1228

camila's pov;
On the way to school, I let Jai drive. I felt drowsy, so I laid my head on the side of the seat of the car. I closed my eyes and hoped I could catch some sleep before I had to go to school. Like, why do you even need to go to school anyway? What even was the point? The only thing there was detentions and annoying people. The teachers aren't any better either.. How I wished I could be homeschooled.. but I couldn't since my mum works all day and night for Sienna and I. I heavily sighed once I opened my eyes and realized I was already at school. I sluggishly opened the door and hopped out without saying a thing to Jai. Yeah, I probably should've took my keys from him and whatever, but honestly I didn't feel like caring right now.

I walked through the busy hallways of my school, searching for a familiar locker. I put in my combination and took whatever books out that I needed. After that, I closed my locker and shut my eyes for a second.

"HEY CAM!" a voice shout out, forcing my eyes open.

"Hey Penelope..? I thought you were.. asleep?" I said a bit confused.

"WAS. I had to hurry out of bed, ugh. That was like, so much work! I had to actually move." Penelope rolled her eyes. *a/n; why is penelope actually me*

"You have to do that everyday Pen.."

"But today I was in a rush!"

"You're always in a rush...?"

"But still!" Penelope said, pulling my arm with her.

"Where are you taking me?" I sighed. I probably sounded like a bitch, but honestly I was so tired, and I didn't even know why. I slept pretty early, and I woke up early too. I shut my eyes as Penelope pulled me through the big crowd with her. When I finally opened my eyes, I saw we were in the girl's bathroom.

"Why are we in the restroom?" I questioned.

"I need to change and do my makeup and shit like that, duh."

"Is that why you looked like you just came back from the dead?" I laughed.

"Haha, very funny." she replied back sarcastically. "Can you help me with my hair while I do my makeup!" Penelope asked handing a brush to me.

"Sure." I sighed, taking the brush. I brushed through Penelope's rat nest; she calls her hair.

"Ow, ow, ow!" Penelope complained, trying to hit me with her eyeshadow brush. I giggled and continued to try taming her wild hair.

After a lifetime of hair, I finally finished perfecting Penelope's hair. It looked long, sleek and nothing like it did before. I actually really liked her hair; dirty–blonde with light brown roots. I just wished she actually took care of it and all. But then again, I'm not surprised. I mean— she's getting ready for school.. at school.

"Heyyyy!" a voice screamed out, crashing into me.

"Woah, calm down there, Court." I said, gently pushing Courtney off me.

"Which stall is Penelope in?" Fallon asked.

"Handicap one, like always." I said while looking down at my phone.

"Pen! Hurry up!" Fallon yelled, banging on the stall door. "We'll be late for roll!"

"Okay, okay! I just— can't find my socks!" Penelope said muffled by the door.

"Don't wear any! Hurry!" Fallon said, banging on the stall door again.

"Ew, no! That's gross." Penelope complained.

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