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word count: 391

camila's pov;
*after school*
I slammed my locker shut, and got greeted by a very up close Jai.

"What the fuck Jai!" I scream, clutching my heart. He just chuckled and shook his head in response, walking away.

I sighed, pulling up my backpack straps and heading out the door. I didn't bother waiting for Sienna since she usually walks home with her friends. And before I knew it, I was already parked in my driveway at home.

I grabbed my backpack and made sure to lock my car doors. I searched through my bag, finally pulling out my keys and unlocking the front door to my house. I slipped past Sienna's room, hearing laughter and giggles. Ugh, how am I supposed to finish my essay with all this noise? Sienna could've at least warned me about having her friends over or something. I rolled my eyes, even though Sienna couldn't see me. It was the thought that mattered anyways... right?

I fell back onto my soft bed, collapsing underneath the covers. Oh, how I've missed my bed. I snuggled up into my mountain of pillows and Stitch plushy, inhaling the sweet scent. I always spray too much perfume on, it's a bad habit, I know! It usually ends up on most of my things.. leaving my items smelling like sweet vanilla and peonies.

I heard a low chuckle and I bolted upright. Are you kidding me? Do I ever get time alone?

"What the hell? Why are you here? At my house? Do you have the wrong address? Are you stalking me?" I shot questions at him.

"No, but thanks for thinking I stalk you in my free–time", he rolled his eyes.

I huffed in annoyance and crossed my arms across my chest.
"Well can you— get out?", I grunt.

"Aw, want me to leave so soon?"

"How'd you get in anyway?"

"You'll see.", he smirked, walking away.

I laid back onto my bed, letting my head hit the soft pillow beneath me. I sighed, reaching out for my laptop. 'I should really start my essay.', I think to myself.

A/N: pretty short chapter i know. i was gonna write more but i got too lazy. i had a really long chapter written out but wattpad decided to kill me and deleted it so.

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