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word count: 587

camila's pov;
"Here, you can wear this. You're clothes seem, um, uncomfortable." Jai said, handing me one of his black t–shirts and grey sweatpants.

"Thanks, where's your bathroom?"

"Down the hall, to the right."

'Down the hall, to the right. Down the hall, to the right.' I reminded myself.

I finally found the bathroom, after what felt like years. Damn, this house looked so small from the outside. Is this some carnival house or something?

I opened the door, not forgetting to lock it. I look around, and spot some fresh towels. I put them on the sink counter, and stripped down my clothes. I stepped into the shower, letting the warm water hit my back.

I used some strawberry scented shampoo, which I expected to be their mum's, and massaged my scalp with it. After my slightly alternated shower routine, I step out the shower and start drying myself off.

After most of my hair was dried, I took the clothes Jai had given me and slipped them on. I took one last look in the mirror, and stepped out the bathroom.

I roamed aimlessly around the hallways, trying to spot the door to Jai's room. And Luke's.. I think. I finally gave up and started opening random doors.

I opened one and saw a boy with caramel brown hair swopped against his forehead laying down, sleeping. His name is Beau, I think. That's what Jai told me anyway. I closed the door gently, not wanting to wake him.

I looked around, trying to spot Jai or Luke.

"Hello, there." a voice scared me.

I turned around and saw a lady with dark brown hair and eyes, staring back at me.


"Oh, how rude of me. I'm Gina, the boy's mother." she introduced herself. "I'm guessing you're looking for the boys?"

I nodded.

"The twin's room is right over here." Gina leaded me. She opened the door, revealing the twins, screaming at the T.V screen.

"Luke, Jai." she said in a stern tone before disappearing down the stairs.

Both the boys turned their heads and their eyes met mine. I felt a bit awkward, to say the least.

"Oh hey, Camila. What're you doing here? Well, not being rude but." Luke asked.

I shrugged.

"Fuck off." Jai said, getting up.

"Luke, get out." Jai said, grabbing my arm.

"Why? It's my room too, you know." Luke rolled his eyes. Jai glared at him, and honestly, if looks could kill, Luke would've been dead in an instant.

"Okay, okay." Luke said, raising his arms in surrender and leaving the room.

"You're mean." I said playfully before plopping down on one of the twin's beds.

"I know." he chuckled.

We talked for a while, not really about a certain subject, just little things that came into our mind. The clock struck 11PM, and I yawned, getting up from one of Luke and Jai's 'spiny' chairs.

"M'tired." I mumbled plopping down onto the bottom bunk.

"Make room, fat" Jai joked.

"You're heavy, get off." I mumbled into Jai's pillow.

"Go to sleep, rat."


A/N: this chapter tho, yeet. trash but whatever. it's a boring af filler. and i know like two chapters ago, i said something was gonna happen... ahhaahhaah yeah, i didn't actually plan/know of what would happen so !! oops.

might add some drama and stuff in, not sure when. i feel like this book is running out of ideas quick, so i might just discontinue but idk, honestly.

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