eleven pt 2.

650 32 2

A/N: read to the end please !!!

word count: 1778

camila's pov;
"Mila, babe. Wake up, we're here." Jai said, gently shaking my shoulders.

"Hmm?" I mumble, squinting my eyes.

"C'mon." he chuckled, moving out of the way so I could get out of the car. I trudged out the car and rubbed my eyes gently, remembering I had makeup on.
'No need to look like a panda...' I thought to myself.

I felt Jai nudge my arm as he motioned over to the entry. Jai had paid for both our tickets since I didn't bring any money; and he wouldn't have let me paid either way. Once we got in, I excitedly looked around. It's been a while since I actually came to the town–fair.

"Excited, huh?" Jai smiled.

"Yeah! It's been a while since I've been here. I mean— ever since Sienna was born, my mum was too caught up with taking care of her and balancing out her job too. I guess we just never had enough time to come back here." I explained to him as we walked around.

"Let's go on those flying swing thingys!" I said excitedly.

"Flying swing thingys?" he mocked me.

"You know what I mean." I rolled my eyes, and grabbed onto Jai's arm, pulling him to the ride.

After what felt like millionth time of us re–riding the 'flying swing thingys' we finally decided to go onto another ride.

"We should go on that huge roller coaster!" Jai pointed at it. It was quite far away, yet it stood tall and towered over everything else in the fair. You could spot that thing from miles away.

"Hmmm, how about tea cups?" I asked, trying to change his mind.

"Tea cups?" he asked and I nodded, "Really Mila? No way." he disagreed; shaking his head.

"But why not?" I asked, following him like a lost puppy.

"Because that's so boring." Jai said dragging out the 'g' in boring. "You're not— afraid of roller coasters.. are you?"

I shrugged and looked down. "I kind of— I guess — I never went on one before."

"Wait, really?" he asked surprised.

"Really." I clarified.

"It'll be fun, I promise." Jai said interlocking our pinkies. "You trust me right?"


"Well, we're going anyways." he rolled his eyes, pulling me to the line. He pushed me in front of him; probably because he knew I would run off otherwise.

Did he really want me to go on that roller coaster? Well I mean, like.. with him? I didn't even know why he brought me out here, honestly. Like, I guess you could say we're friends... I've barely even known him for at least two months. I guess I did hate him— and I'm pretty sure that he didn't like me either — a day or two ago. What had him change his mind?

I could tell Jai was bad news from the first day I met him. I knew I had to keep my distance, where I had to set the boundaries. I just never knew it'd be this much harder than I thought.

But before I knew it, the line had already moved up and Jai and I were about to board the coaster.

"Jai, can we uh, like.. get off. Please, I changed my mind!" I said frantically actually realizing what was happening.

"No way, Camila. Just live loose a little." Jai smiled as he put down our safety handles. The worker started coming around, making sure all of the handles were secured and locked in place.

trust | jai brooksWhere stories live. Discover now