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A/N: if you read this story– don't be a ghost and comment // vote ! it'll show me that you guys want me to update more ! anyway, onto the chapter..

word count: 431

*a couple days later*
jai's pov;
I clicked my fingers onto the old, wooden table, waiting for Mr. Brown to come back into the classroom. After what seemed like centuries, he finally decided to come back in.

"Sorry class, I was a little caught up on something" he cleared his throat, while fixing his black and red striped tie. He went over and grabbed a bunch of papers off his desk. Tests, probably.

I knew I would get at least a 90 or above. Camila was smart– even intelligent.

"Jai, I don't know how you did it, but keep it up" Mr. Brown sighed passing me my graded test. I looked down at the large circled, red letters that read, '100' and smirked.

I took out my phone, not even bothering to be sneaky, and pulled up iMessage. I sent a quick text to Camila– not expecting a reply anytime soon since she doesn't usually use her phone in class.

jai: oi, thanks for that 100 in bio.

Yet to my surprise, she replied back in a couple of seconds.

camz: did i have a choice?

jai: get used to it. oh, and also, i need to talk to u after school. or lunch.. whatever floats ur boat.

camz: 'whatever floats my boat' is not communicating with you at all.

jai: aw don't be like that babe. (;

camz: gross, don't call me that.

"Brooks!" a voice boomed, snapping my attention off my phone.

"Yeah?" I snapped, already knowing what would've happened next and heavily sighed.

"I cannot stress enough about how many times I've told you to not use your phone in class!" Mr. Brown rambled, "Detention! Don't think just because you somehow got away with getting an 100 on this test, that I will treat you specially." he continued and slightly glared at me as I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

Does he ever stop talking? I was snapped back into reality once a familiar sound rang through my ears.

'Finally.' I thought to myself while picking up my things. As I made my way out of class, I saw Mr. Brown giving me a stern look– which basically meant; come over to my desk you little fuck.

"Don't forget Brooks. 3:30PM, after school." he said, turning back to the stack of papers on his desk. I let out a small groan and went out the door.

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