
353 16 2

word count: 466

camila's pov;
I threw my books aside and stuffed my face into my pillow. Ugh, I hate studying.

I rolled over the side of my bed and picked up my phone. I aimlessly tapped away, bored.

penn: ur coming to prom??

mila: yea luke asked

penn: hold up

penn: hold the fuck up

penn: Luke asked u

mila: yeah

penn: jai????

mila: so?????

penn: well whatever

penn: it doesn't matter who ur going w we need to find u a good ass dress

penn: jai will know what he's missing

mila: can I leave

penn: and in case sascha decides to fuck up ur life bring spare clothes!!!

mila: thank u penelope for looking out for my poor soul

penn: that's what I'm here for !!!!

I heard beeping coming from outside my window so I rise from my bed to check what's happening. I peel back the lavender curtains in my room and revealed Penelope outside, honking at me.

"Get in bitch, we're going shopping!" Penelope yelled.

"Mean girls much?" I giggled a bit before throwing my shoes on.

We looked through billions of shops and haven't found a single dress perfect for me. They were either too long, too short, too ugly, too glittery. It was a total mess.

Penelope had already gotten her dress ahead of time, of course she did, which left me walking around for hours, trying to find a dress.

"This?" Penelope pulled out a red velvet colored spaghetti strap dress.

I shrugged but grabbed it, adding onto
the pile of dresses I would change into.

We continued to browse the store for multiple minutes before I came across a nude pink halter–meshed skater dress. I instantly picked the dress off the railing and showed it to Penelope.

 I instantly picked the dress off the railing and showed it to Penelope

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"Oh my go— go try it on. Right now." Penelope pushed me near the closest changing room.

I stripped from the clothes I was wearing now into the dress. The dress fit perfectly, it was like in the books where the girl found her perfect prom dress. That's me right now! I didn't have to try on the other dresses, I walked out the changing room and did a little twirl for Penelope.

"Bitchhh, you have to buy that!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands. "You're gonna look so good dolled up, oh my god."

I walked back into the changing stall and changed from the dress. I decided I would match it with some white heels back at home. Penelope and I paid and then parted ways to head home.

A/N: hella short filler chapter I know. I had this written out like 2 weeks ago but never uploaded it oops. but anyway yeah if this chapter makes like 0 sense it's probably because I never edited it.

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