Chapter 1

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~~~ Gray ~~~

The ground shook and the air trembled. Smoke and dust clouded Gray's vision as he desperately searched for his parents. He stumbled blindly through the rubble of what was once his home, his legs stinging from the many cuts. Gray just barely managed to make it to the front of the house, and when he did, nothing could have prepared him for what he saw.

There, lying underneath the debris was Gray's father. His breath caught in his throat and he hurried to his father's side.

"Dad!" Gray yelled. He tried shaking his father's shoulder, but no response. Tears started to blur Gray's vision and his entire body trembled as he continued to try everything in his power to wake his father up. "Please dad, I need you!"

Finally, Gray realized his attempts were futile. Tears streamed down his face as he fell to his knees and wept. Then it came. The ear-splitting roar of the monster. The monster that took everything away.


Gray bolted upright, his heart beating wildly. He gasped for air and clenched the sheets of his bed tightly in his hands. His entire body was shaking and it felt as if his body temperature had been raised drastically. This was nothing new for Gray Fullbuster. It was always the same nightmares, yet they always seemed to have the same effect on him.

Gray threw his sheets back and swung his legs over the side of the bed so he could sit on the edge of it, trying to steady himself. He stayed in that position for several minutes. Finally, when his breathing had become less rapid and his heart rate returned to normal, he stood. He took care to keep himself balanced as he made his way into the bathroom of his apartment. Gray splashed water onto his face from the sink faucet and switched on the dim overhead lights. Letting the water drip off his face, Gray stared at his reflection in the mirror that hung slightly crooked over the sink. Gray did not recognize the young man looking back at him. This person looked weak and inferior, and those were two things that Gray could not afford to be.

Turning the bathroom lights off, he walked back to his bedroom. As he glanced at the bed, and then at the clock that read 5:33 A.M., Gray knew there was no hope of sleep.

Might as well get some fresh air, Gray thought to himself.

He slipped on a pair of blue jeans, comfortable black shoes, a V-neck red shirt, and a white coat. His sword-pendant necklace hung around his neck already, as did the ever-present metal bracelet on his wrist.

Gray slipped out the front door and into the hallway, being careful not to close the door too hard on his way out. The last thing he needed was another complaint from the neighboring rooms. He quickly made his way down a staircase at the end of the hallway and out the door of the apartment complex.

The early morning Magnolia air bit at Gray's exposed skin as he strolled along the paved walkway. This probably would have bothered anyone else, or driven them back indoors. But Gray was used to the cold. He was an Ice Mage after all, and the cold didn't bother him whatsoever. He had trained in the snow for several months under the watchful eye of his mentor.

Ur. The name ran through Gray's mind. He shook his head fiercely from side to side, trying to dispel the memories threatening to reappear.

Gray hadn't realized how far he had wandered until he ended up at the famous Magnolia Cafe, where a terrace overlooked the ocean. The cafe itself wasn't open, since it was still fairly early. But the terrace on the other hand was available 24/7, so Gray decided to take advantage of the peace and quiet. He looked out at his surroundings as he took a seat at one of the outdoor tables and came to the conclusion that he was on the completely opposite side of the city from his apartment. In fact, this cafe was only a few blocks down from the Fairy Tail Guild.

I must have walked for at least an hour or two, Gray thought. This thought was justified by the sun starting to rise over the ocean's horizon.

Gray gazed at the huge expanse of water before him. The rhythmic crashing of the waves on the sand put his mind at ease for the time being, and his thoughts wandered to his plans for the day. Perhaps he could take a job, or better yet, relax in the guild hall among the ruckus and noise that his friends made.

The thought of his guild mates put a small smile on Gray's face. There were very few people in which Gray allowed himself to get close to, and his fellow Fairy Tail wizards made up those numbers.

Gray's thoughts were abruptly interrupted when he heard footsteps behind him. Gray jumped out of his seat and put one hand in a fist before setting it on top of his other palm, ready to cast a spell. But when he saw who it was, his hands fell to his sides and turned back around to face the ocean, turning his back on the person.

Standing behind Gray was none other than his fellow guild mate Natsu Dragneel, along with Natsu's Exceed partner, Happy. Natsu was a Fire Dragon Slayer, otherwise known as a master of accidentally destroying things. Gray and Natsu argued regularly, which more often then not resulted in an all out brawl. One could say that fire and ice naturally don't get along, but Natsu was still one of Gray's longest and closest comrades.

Happy flew down to stand on the railing near Gray.

"What are you doing out here Gray?" Happy asked in his usual cheerful voice.

"I could ask you two the same question," Gray replied coldly and glanced over at the cat. The ice wizard was not at all thrilled that his moment of relaxation had been disrupted.

"You just turned your back on me like that?" Natsu exclaimed and marched over to Gray, the two of them butting heads. "Do you wanna fight, Ice Princess?"

Gray was about to retort when Happy said," Why don't you two wait to fight until we get to the guild."

Natsu looked over at his partner and responded," That's a great idea, Happy! That way everyone can join in, and I can kick more butt!"

Natsu and Happy fist-bumped each other excitedly, and Gray couldn't help but roll his eyes.

So immature, Gray thought.

Natsu turned back to Gray. "We're heading for the guild hall, you coming or what?"

Gray gave a small smile and replied," Alright, let's go. But only so that I can give you a proper beating."

"In your dreams!" Natsu shouted, and started sprinting down the block.

Happy took flight and soared above Natsu as they made their way to the Fairy Tail guild hall. Gray strolled behind them, not at all caring when they yelled at him to keep up. Natsu was a complete idiot in Gray's eyes, but at the same time there was a hint of admiration present as well. Natsu was known for letting his feelings control his power, and in turn his feelings gave him power. That was something Gray hoped to achieve in the future. But not even Natsu's burning flames could thaw Gray's frozen heart.

No one can, Gray thought to himself, as the guild finally came into view.

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