Chapter 12

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~~~ Juvia ~~~  

But remember to spare the Elemental Wizard.

  Juvia could feel herself losing what precious composure she had left.  She needed to act before it was too late.  Looking around at her battle-ready comrades, Juvia reminded herself that she needed to assist them in any way possible.  It was this thought that kept her head held high.

  "I will not let you lay a finger on my friends!"  Juvia snarled.  She launched herself into the air and yelled," Water Nebula!"

  Two huge waves erupted on either side of Ryker, spiraling upwards before crashing down on him.  When the dense mist faded, Juvia wasn't all that surprised to see a black shield in Ryker's hand that he had conjured up from a tattoo and used to block the water attack.  She landed back on the ground, a sinister look in her eyes.

  "It would be in your best interest not to go near Lady Althea, that is, if you want to live to see tomorrow," Ryker grinned and motioned at the woman behind him.

  Althea, on the other hand, didn't say a word.  She just stood watching the scene unfold in front of her, scythe in hand.  The level of magic energy had risen drastically upon her arrival.  It was incredible, and Juvia could tell the others felt it as well.

  "Leave our guild!"  Natsu bellowed, flames erupting from his palms as he sent a fiery blast straight at the tattooed man. 

  The other wizards took that as their cue to spring into action.  Mira transformed into a winged demon, Erza requipped into her Black Wing Armor, and Lucy summoned the Zodiac Spirit Taurus.  Chaos broke out as the Fairy Tail wizards launched attack after attack.  Juvia took the chance to run over to Levy who was also sending Solid Script attacks into the fray.

  "Levy, you and the shard need to get out of here," Juvia said seriously.

  "I don't have it anymore, I returned it to Gray this morning," she explained hurriedly while casting a Solid Script spell.

  Juvia was on her feet before Levy could even finish her sentence.  Her eyes desperately darted around the battlefield until they landed on the Ice Mage who was in the thick of the fighting. Juvia also noticed how Ryker's eyes were trained on Gray.   Her body filled with hatred when she saw this.

  "Gray!" She yelled, seeing one of Ryker's tattoos begin to glow.  "Get down!"

  Juvia ran and shoved Gray to the ground just as a massive eagle flew overhead, razor-sharp talons outstretched.

  "Are you alright?" Juvia asked as she rolled off him.

  "Yes, I'm fine," Gray replied, sitting up.

  "You need to leave or hide, the shard can't fall back into their hands," Juvia pleaded.

  "I'm not going anywhere while you guys fight him," he replied with a frown. "We're all a team, and I promise that I won't let them near the shard."

  Gray's words comforted Juvia a little until she remembered the mess they were all in.  The black eagle was tearing the guild hall apart completely, crashing into the roof and shattering the building's supports.  Stone bricks rained down from above.

  "Everyone get out!" Erza shouted as she knocked a piece of debris away before it could hit Lucy.

  Gray and Juvia helped each other up, got to their feet, and ran alongside everyone else. Everyone jumped through the now-open wall just as the guild completely collapsed.  After a few moments, Ryker and Althea approached through the rubble.

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