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  A reason to carry on.

  That's what Juvia was.

  Every experience and hardship they had ever endured shaped them to be the people they were in the present.  The feelings of love, passion, and happiness revolving inside Gray were too immense for words.

  When he saw his beautiful bride walking down the aisle towards him, he nearly broke down.  Juvia was the most stunning thing Gray had ever seen; he couldn't imagine anything more beautiful if he tried.  Her azure eyes held the galaxy, his world.  Standing side by side with Juvia at the altar opened up a new realm of possibilities and adventures they could share.

  Exchanging vows was the most emotional part.  Nothing Gray could ever say would accurately justify his love for Juvia and how much she meant to him.  Locking their promise with a kiss that set Gray's heart on fire as their friends cheered and clapped, he knew that the memories he'd make with Juvia would be the best of his life.


  Holding their first child was something Juvia would never forget.

  When she and Gray welcomed their daughter into the world, Juvia was speechless.  Their baby was the picture of perfection.  Her eyes were the color of the ocean waves that splashed along the shore outside their house.  Her hair was only a shade lighter than her father's; even from birth the resemblance was striking.

  Juvia had never seen Gray so overcome with emotion.  He held Juvia's hand the entire time, never taking his eyes off the little bundle of joy in his arms.  Tears streamed down his face as he fought and failed to keep his composure.  The sight brought an overwhelming amount of love and pride to Juvia as Gray leaned down to kiss her.  Here they were, helping to raise the next generation of Fairy Tail together.

  Juvia had never had a family of her own before, but the wait was well worth it.  Having a loving husband and daughter was more than she ever could have wished for.

  She knew that everything would fly by before she knew it.  That's why Juvia almost wished they could stay...

  Frozen in time.


Started: May 8, 2016

Completed: September 20, 2016

Love you all immensely <3

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