Chapter 23

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~~~ Juvia ~~~

  Bright light.



  Those were the only things that Juvia could comprehend before being completely overcome by the darkness of her mind.  She felt weak, so very weak.

  But there was something else as well; she felt as though she was being held in someone's arms.

  This feels safe, Juvia thought tiredly. This feels like home.


  Juvia didn't know what to expect when her eyes opened.  Maybe she thought that she and everyone else were still inside Eidolon Wraith's halls fighting for their lives.  But she certainly wasn't expecting to be blinded by the sterile white of a hospital room.

  She squinted into the brightness, propping herself up.  Juvia knew that she had to be in the Fairy Tail infirmary.  She also noticed that she was wearing a plain white hospital gown and was lying on one of the beds.

  A constant dull pain made Juvia recoil.  Her entire body felt sluggish, as if she were moving in slow-motion.  Bandage wraps covered her arms and legs, and a couple smaller ones dotted her face.  Juvia definitely didn't feel up to par.

  As she took in the setting before her, Juvia also spotted a familiar short bluenette standing off to the side at a counter.  The petite girl was facing away from the water wizard, looking like she was preparing a concoction.

  "Wendy?" Juvia said.  She wasn't at all surprised when her voice came out ragged and coarse.

  Whatever was in the Dragon Slayer's hand clattered onto the counter top as she spun around.

  "Juvia!" Wendy exclaimed.  Before the Water Mage could react, the young girl had already flung her arms around her comrade.  It took all of Juvia's strength to not burst into tears of relief as she returned the gesture.

  "I'm so glad that you're okay," Juvia whispered into her friend's hair.

  "We were so worried," Wendy stated, trying and failing to control her emotions as water streamed down her face.   "You could've died!"

  "I'm a Fairy Tail wizard."  Juvia smiled.   "I wouldn't have gone down that easy."  She glanced down at her heavily bruised and bandaged body as Wendy pulled away.  "Wendy, what happened after I cast the Aqua Pura spell?"

  "We'll explain everything in a minute," the Dragon Slayer assured.   "I need to go let everyone know that you're awake."

  Before Juvia could say another word, Wendy had already raced out the door.  She couldn't help but chuckle at the young girl's actions.

  It's because of you that Wendy can still afford to be full of life, a voice inside her head reminded her.  If not for that risky move, she and everyone else would be dead.

  Juvia sat in anticipation as she heard several pairs of footsteps making their way through the hall towards the infirmary.  While she was looking forward to seeing all her guild mates alive and well, Juvia's thoughts still wandered to a certain Ice Wizard.

  The Water Mage clasped her hands together as Wendy came back with Master Makarov, Mirajane, the Thunder Legion, Team Shadow Gear, Gajeel, and Lily.  Amid the smiles, Juvia's eyes desperately darted from face to face trying to see if Gray was present.  Team Natsu made their way to the front of the group, and with a downcast heart she saw that Gray wasn't among them.

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