Chapter 19

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~~~ General Third Person ~~~

  "No offense lady but you're kind of in my way," Gajeel said to the woman standing before them.

  "Is that right?   Where, if I may ask, is your destination?"  She asked in a mocking tone.  Her dress caught the light and shimmered like scales.  She walked atop the black water as if it were solid ground.

  "She has to be one of Eidolon Wraith's S-Class wizards," Freed observed, looking the lady up and down.

  She turned to him.

  "Looks like you have a sharp eye.  You are correct.  My name is Celphri, and I am the second most powerful S-Class Mage in Eidolon Wraith."

  Natsu and Freed were silent as Gajeel snorted in contained laughter.

  "Second?"  He smirked.  "So that means we can wipe the floor with you real quick and find our friends.  Sounds good to me."

  Celphri looked at Gajeel in disgust.  "You think that this will be an easy fight just because I don't have the title of most powerful.  I know that you've witnessed the power of Ryker, the third and weakest S-Class wizard that destroyed your guild hall.  You truly are in over your head if you think beating me will be easy."

  "Gajeel, don't make her angry," Freed murmured.   "Fighting her will be no walk in the park.  Can't you sense the magic power?"

  Indeed, power radiated off Celphri in waves.   It was so intense that it almost felt as if their blood was flowing backwards.

  "I've faced tougher opponents than her before breakfast," Natsu growled.   "I can take this lady down on my own."

  Celphri laughed.

  "You Dragon Slayers have a lot to learn about judging your enemy.  And besides, I am not your only opponent."

  The dark water water behind the Eidolon Wraith wizard started to ripple, sending tall waves in all directions.  A gargantuan figure rose from the depths, and all the Fairy Tail wizards could do was watch.

  A serpent the color of Celphri's light blue hair stared down at them, fangs bared.  It's head nearly touched the high ceiling, and it's purple eyes seemed to stare right through them.  Its thick body curled underneath the surface of the water, and it was easy to tell that the demon was much larger than just what met the eye.

  "Meet Thrakos, serpent of the abyss."   Celphri grinned wickedly.  "And my beautiful pet."

  Natsu gulped as he gazed up at the monster.   "Can I recommend an Exceed instead?"

  "I hope I don't scare you too much," she continued, completely ignoring the Fire Dragon Slayer's comment.   "My Abysmal Dark Magic has that effect sometimes."

  "A forbidden form of magic," Freed recited from memory.  "And a Lost Magic as well.  Where did you learn such an ancient art?"

  "Master Zadicus knows all kinds of magic," Celphri replied.  "It was quite easy for me to learn.  Only the darkest of people can learn the darkest magic."

  "On the contrary.  I use a form of Dark Magic, and yet I am absolutely pure at heart."

  "Enough talk, are we killing this thing or what?"  Natsu cut in.

  In turn, Thrakos roared in obvious rage.   Freed unsheathed the sword at his side and stepped forward.

  "Gajeel and I will deal with the serpent.  Natsu, you need to try and take that woman down," he said.

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